Saskrotch wrote:

i mean

there doesn't have to be a chip version of everything.

how else do you get onto boingboing?

Chainsaw Police wrote:
irrlichtproject wrote:

the reason i started to do chip is because i prefer to work with a strictly limited set of sounds. if i have unlimited sound capabilities, i just get stuck fiddling around with the sounds and i never finish anything.

Exactly. Limitations are what makes chipmusic fun.

depends what you mean by limitations.  aesthetic limitations are one thing but technical limitations for the sake of it seem a bit weird when we're not distributing things as source files.  but well, personal opinion and all that.

Yeah the "readymade samples" thing is only if you're doing it wrong. If you're doing chip modules "properly" you draw the waveforms, you don't cheat with some huge sample off a c64.  You Gameboy guys draw your tri-channel samples, right?  That's what we do, just on every channel.   I've used MODs to write Gameboy music for games, there's really no difference in the interface or workflow.

TDM did a nice interpretation of Winter
another excerpt...
really simple saw version of Spring
..and the first bars of it with slightly more complicated instrumentation


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)


oh no we're snobby!


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(16 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

if you're a kickass coder you can use the filters with samples anyway



On the frontpage, lose loading applets for 40 tracks, just stick the links in and have one applet switch when you click on it.  It takes 20 seconds to load the frontpage here so I'm keeping noscript activated which sort of defeats the point.  8bc does this right, it needs to
load instantly.

The connection between Groups and Forums is confusing, why both?  Why not just forums?   Are the groups the forum sections and the forum page contains the threads?

[edit: tl;dr]


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

this place is no fun anymore.

The awesome kaneel releases his album. Download

quit forever.