ovenrake wrote:

this - the music:

Is this that new "chipthrash" the kids are talking about?


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

what happen


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

DKSTR wrote:

Anyone have succesfully changed the channels mGB receives on those .pde files?

I read this thread but when I try to update the midiGB.pde, it gives error:

Arduinoboy1_2_2.cpp: In function 'void modeMidiGb()':
Mode_MidiGb:47: error: 'sendFSByteToGameboy' was not declared in this scope

Original thread:
http://groups.google.com/group/arduinob … f910d9d163

It would be awesome to sort this out, since I have synth that I cant change its receiving channel (and even if I had, I would have to change 20+ songs midi sends..)

The latest version of arduinoboy has a editor that allows you to change the midi channels as well as other settings.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yeah, I'll get right on that, you spoiled ass mother fuckers.

It was GREAT!
I guess it would help if you had a better mic.

Also so you know, you can include youtube videos on the forum by using the [ youtube ]w9PihyppsR4[ /youtube ] bbcode. (without spaces)


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yes it needs ground.

The Bung GB exchanger is IMO the best out of the common transferrers. For development, it has by far the fastest transfer speed, saving time while testing. Yes, better than usb carts.  (If you have a parallel port)

I'd buy it if I already didn't have one.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


Do you have all of the wires connected on the link cable? both the SIN and SOUT should to be connected regardless of mode.


(3 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I'll quote you on that

pixls wrote:


dosPrompt wrote:

Since this is close now... is anyone other than most of the Aussies staying in Shinjuku?


"Nullsleep" is the "Skinny Puppy" of Chipmusic.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TraceKaiser wrote:

Yeah, front page

I was on my iPod touch, so I suppose that might be why, though usually it doesn't reformat pages to fit

I'm planning on adjusting the CSS for mobile support, which would fix this soon enough.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

an0va wrote:

So you can bookmark songs, right?

...where the hell do they go?

Music -> filter dropdown: Bookmarked Items

Planning to possibly add it elsewhere, but thats where it's located at the moment.

Yeah sorry, if you edited a post on the new server it was lost. (from the 23rd-25th)

This was because when data was transferred to the new server on the 23rd, utf8 (special characters) wasn't handled properly and resulted in "???" or "[][][]" in posts, topics, and the music section. I had to write a script to reimport the old data, and thus anything edited would of been overwritten. I didn't think there was much recent activity as far as edits go, sorry.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TraceKaiser wrote:

There's a very slight overlap between the people online and the latest posts. I guess it's only noticeable when there's this many people online, thought it'd be worth flagging up though!

On the front page? I think i saw that when the resolution was small enough to cause squishing.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

egr wrote:

It looks like "View your favorites" and "View your subscribed threads" is gone from the profile section.  sad

Fixed. It's back, sorry bout that. cool