(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Fixed. Now throws a 301 Redirect to the new url.


(3 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Yeah, that was me. I needed to test comments, so the 3 you saw was me posting and deleting. Which also pointed out a bug in the recently viewed count- which is now fixed.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

egr wrote:

It looks like "View your favorites" and "View your subscribed threads" is gone from the profile section.  sad

Oh I knew I would miss something. I'll look into it.


(9 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

µB wrote:
trash80 wrote:

Note: some still cant see the site until DNS fully propagates.

Also note: If you can read this, you're not one of them.



(9 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

Note: some still cant see the site until DNS fully propagates.


(9 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

Sorry for the big downtime guys. Let us know here if you run into issues... There might be a few

Our new server and services are now much faster so I hope the wait will be worth it in the long run.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

mk wrote:

The chipmusic randomplayer still works if you're ok with throwing your selection to randomness..


There is also a random selection on the music page filter dropdown. wink


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

pixls wrote:

WHAT HAPPENED? things got all weird, the dots are all in a row, and things look generally greyer...

Dots have been stylized as meters to avoid confusion.

nothing has been greyer, its still the same there.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

fedepede04 wrote:
trash80 wrote:

It has nothing to do with any of that. Right now the server is only accepting tiny file sizes. Im having the hosting service look into it.

Thanks, how tiny?

Like retarded tiny hehe. I think I was successful with like 50kb. There is something wrong with the server today, our normal max size is around 20mb


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It has nothing to do with any of that. Right now the server is only accepting tiny file sizes. Im having the hosting service look into it.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bryface wrote:

you could always try a.... coughPOPUPcough

if you like, i can whip up a custom audio player - i specialize in actionscript development.  i see that stock flash player used everywhere (ok i used it too) and cm.org could certainly use one with a niftier interface.

Yeah a popup is one of the best solutions, especially because it would be nice to have a all-on-one viewing/commenting/playlists/etc app.

Thanks though I was actually thinking of switching to jplayer, that way it will work on ipOS.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

someonesomewhere wrote:

Did anyone already suggest to have the song playing while you look through the forums?

Not sure if that would be possible, but it would be great.

Yeah I tried doing a javascript takeover to convert the site to ajax for that... it kind of failed on a number of areas so I decided to stop for now.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

though now that I'm looking at it, that might be too cramped again for smaller resolutions. I'll leave it for now, and just implement the tab when I have some more time later today.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Right, hehe. Things are ever changing it's hard to keep up. Now that the music section is percentage and fixed to 4 items per row, it makes sense to have the section below it be 50/50.

Where as a few hours ago and yesterday we had the music items fit to whatever the window width would allow, which made smaller resolutions look sloppy as herr_prof pointed me to.

What I was referring to in the post above is that I plan on having the home page content stay as it is now, but also adding a new tab called "forums" to the top that would link to "/forums" which would essentially be what the homepage was before this whole mess started. Hopefully making everyone happy. The only thing in the way of that is having to fix the breadcrumbs on our pages. Which takes a bit of time.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I agree about the length of the page, but we'll worry about that later...

And I agree there should and will be a main "Forum Index" page which will be a tab at the top, which will basically be the old home page. Thats the next thing to do.