(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yeah I suspect something has changed on his side, or maybe its how I compiled it who knows black magic rawr.

Also note there is a new Arduinoboy version over on the google code site that fixes mGB mode and changes some other small things. version 1.2.1


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Found the issue. I just flashed a cart using the available rom and sure enough it doesnt work- My compiled version works as expected. I'll have a chat with Johan and see what the issue is. Meanwhile please email me at [email protected]


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

undergroundclouds wrote:
trash80 wrote:

Tested my new code, got mGB working. As far as MIDIOUT mode, it worked out of the box.

undergroundclouds are you sure you have MIDIOUT mode selected on the arduinoboy?
It's when all lights flash.
Also are you sure your using the right commands? By default "N" sends a note at the hex value, "Q" sends a note relative to the LSDJ channel's pitch, "X" sends a midi CC, and "Y" sends program change.

Yup. Got all the lights flashing, and there's definitely bytes coming from the MIDI output, they're just the wrong ones. I've tried all 4 MIDI commands and while they usually seemed to transmit at least once, and at the correct time at least, none sent the message it should've.

When I updated my 328 with the ZIP that herr_prof provided, the behavior was a little different - it sent more messages, although still the wrong ones. I only tested it using the Q command on the first row of a table assigned to an instrument (using an H01 further down to ensure no repetition) - I didn't try the other 3 commands.

What midi hardware are you using? I need to be able to duplicate this. Aslo, what bytes are being sent exactly?


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

also be sure to click "send and save changes"


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kineticturtle wrote:
trash80 wrote:

Missed notes are resolved by bumping up the delay setting.

After your last suggestion of delay settings, I tried a wide variety of settings, including 120,0, and higher. And lower. No luck.
I have also tried it with multiple DMGs, and a GBC.

Try 80 with 1. Thats what I have working nicely now on a dmg.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Tested my new code, got mGB working. As far as MIDIOUT mode, it worked out of the box.

undergroundclouds are you sure you have MIDIOUT mode selected on the arduinoboy?
It's when all lights flash.
Also are you sure your using the right commands? By default "N" sends a note at the hex value, "Q" sends a note relative to the LSDJ channel's pitch, "X" sends a midi CC, and "Y" sends program change.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nickmaynard wrote:

i have no idea if this is connected at all to the new version of lsdj that i was using but the problems only happened once i started trying to sync it to stuff. it was probably something else.

Unrelated. Could be the cart contacts on the gameboy, or something else simular.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kineticturtle wrote:

By the way, this very accurately describes the problem I mentioned earlier in the thread and am still having. Seemly random and very occasional MIDI signals being sent, scienceguy arduinoboy with known correct wiring (I've sent MIDI thru many a time). I hope there's some kind of answer for this!

Let me know if I can offer any other info to help.

Missed notes are resolved by bumping up the delay setting. The delay setting is all about how busy the gameboy is. If you make crazy busy songs, bump up the bit delay to a high number and slowly drop it down until its stable. try like 120 for the bit delay with a multiplier of 0.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

undergroundclouds wrote:

Yup, mine's wired correctly. Which I thought was the case because w/ the official ROM, master and slave work correctly.

Not like it should matter but is the chip in your arduinoboy a atmega 168 or a atmega 328?

I'll head over to my shop this week and build a new arduinoboy as I dont have a "stock" one, to verify all the code. I know mGB mode is broken on the current version because I can see a typo, but I want to make sure there are no other weird bugs before I release the next version.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

undergroundclouds wrote:

Yup, sorry, should've mentioned that. The delay was already set to 60 when I opened the editor. I tried it at both 80 and 40 and it had the same results.

I'm testing it with a GBA SP. I tried it with a couple of DMGs and a couple of sets of batteries (which both were somewhat drained but not affecting behavior or LED brightness, etc.) and it wouldn't turn on at all with either of them. I am thinking of hooking up some external power but I don't have any spare DC input or USB-mini jacks laying around.

The higher the number the more delay but the more stable.
try like 120? Though sp/gbc has a faster clock so 60 should be more than fine.

Also for midi out did you correct your scienceguy8's midi out wires? some of the units had to be altered because the midi output wires are reversed.

Does the arduinoboy blink lights to the messages in lsdj?


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

have you tried using the editor software that comes with arduinoboy? Do you have midi in and out on your computer? if so try using the editor software and change the bit and byte delay settings for MIDI OUT mode. set the byte delay to 0 and the bit delay to like 60 or 80.


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

KODEK wrote:

SO i like made this arduinoboy and set up it to start in force mode (LSDJmaster sync)
arduino boy is blinkin  and drummachine is recieving MIDI signal //

BUT it plays normal only when i set groove in LSDJ as 5/7 !
5/5 6/4 or other groove settings just plays it wrong : (

WHATS WRONG ?? or its suposed to work only with 5/7



Groove is "ignored"- thats not technically accurate, but easier to understand. You are playing with the pattern's ticks and not the master tempo itself. as long as your groove breaks down to 24 ppq (5+7=12 which is evenly divided by 24) it will remain in sync, just not have the shuffle. Another way to look at it is this is why each pattern can have a different groove, its just playing with how the phrase handles the clock ticks, and does not alter the clock ticks themselves, if this wasn't the case how would lsdj know which phrase's clock to use for its sync? Also that would mean slave sync could not as easily use a external clock and still have grooves.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

undergroundclouds wrote:
trash80 wrote:

I just remembered something else, if you are not using the Gameboy's data out pin/wire (the wire that should be plugged into a.in 1), short it to ground. it wont work otherwise due to the hackery of making the gameboy communicate faster.

Does that apply to scienceguy8 arduinboys? I'm using one and I'm having several problems. For starters, slave isn't working on the modified LSDJ 4.0.8, although it does on the official 4.0.7 - haven't tried 4.2.0 or anything between. On the modified 4.0.8, it responds to a start message but ignores the clock.

MIDI is being transmitted but it seems like the bytes are somehow getting transmitted in the wrong order - there's not much correlation between the type of command and what MIDI command is sent, but it changes depending on the channel and value.

Also it will not transmit a message more than once in a pattern, even if they have different values. And it only transmits for the first loop of the pattern.

Did you try "MIDI" mode instead of SLAVE? He might of changed something on the newer version of LSDJ. It doesnt apply to the science guy arduinoboys because that wire is connected, and it only affected MIDIOUT mode.


(75 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Akira... One of my points was like, would you do screen mods for people? and if so how much... I don't know about you but to me it's so tedious and annoying. I would never want to actually roll those out as a service. I'd rather work at 7/11 or something. big_smile


(75 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

AdamGetsAwesome wrote:

Also, I need 3 LEDs in my backlight about as much as I need 5 blades on my shaving razor... roughly not at all.


maybe hes not driving, thats why hes daring them.