(11 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

There is no reason IE should work and not any other browser, considering this site is primarily tested on Chrome & FF.

Make sure your file has a valid extension (aka ".mp3") also try removing any goofy characters in the file name. See if that works.


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

radioshack prolly wont have optoisolators. they are fairly useless unles you need a cellphone plan.


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Why ship from china? The optoisolator can be found locally. And I take it you checked that the midi wires are not reversed? And that the diode is not reversed?


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Closed. There is already another topic on this here http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/3329/ … ed-to-8bc/


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

even in the future nothing works.

a ardunio costs $30 plus shipping... also you can do upgrades yourself if you have one. yes there will probably be updates.


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The name generator was inspired by 8bc user names. 
To some, it seems a bit tacky to be coming here only when 8bc is down, to post about it being down.
Ps: I'm hosting this site.
Pps: 8bc would not be functional without some key contributions from the people who help out here.
Ppps: jose made some major mistakes which inspired this sites launch, like facebook is to myspace, we felt there needed to be a better option for the chipmusic community which was open, free for use and free from ads, and didn't make you feel like a dirty whore after use.
Pppps: features here will be added at some point. Hopefully soon.
Ppppps: heart


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

*Slaps everyone with a heavy hand*


(3 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I removed the feature. it made sense when there were only a few music items, but now its a bit overwhelming.

Later there will be a feature to bookmark a artist independently from specific tracks.

Someone needs to give me a reason to go to NYC


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Get your website off our website.


(69 replies, posted in General Discussion)

DaPantz wrote:

Best news indeed. It's also the same thing trash80 has said he's been working on for over a year but there were still a million posts asking why we didn't have those things even though, again, probably 90% of trash80's posts on this forum have been him saying that he's working on those things and that they're coming soon. But yes, great news!

Yeah it's just I do web work for a living so it's the last thing I usually want to do in my free time. My trash80 site also reflects this. If anyone is pretty experianced with js, php (oop- mvc style), svn, and tight mysql, you can pm me if youd like to help. Thanks for understanding.


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am devastated. The midibox sid is very unique. it has i think, only 2 or 3 of the 1/8" jacks on the back, and a switch for turning MIDI OUT to THRU where one of the 1/8" stereo jacks should be.

Pisses me off.


(6 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

SAV has been added to uploads.


(69 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's all planned for change. But just like the rest of you I'm sure, I've been busy. Also when I have free time its like making musc VS web work.

The new user page is about 70% done- which has music and some other things.

Front page is planned to have newest tracks and recent forum posts, also ditching the "recent posts" link at the top so that it's on the front page.
We will have a selection of hand picked tracks on the front page as well, that will be by no means attached to popularity- Quality/Creativity over all else, giving new and unknown artists the same chances as those who are popular to be featured. and of course a RSS to that list and maybe a popup radio or something there after.


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tempsoundsolutions wrote:



time to get the celebratory drunk on.