(1 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Yeah that page was never "Fancied" it's on the list. Thanks.


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I still need to get my ticket yikes


(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Added everything except for...
"Also if there is more time I will add "Other music you might enjoy" using cross reference by other members who've bookmarked similar items."

Because there wasn't enough time. tongue



(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

trash80 wrote:

x DONE x New Comments to your music
x DONE x  Your Music
x DONE x  New Music By Artists you've bookmarked

Also adding a little message to say you got new comments.
Also adding a message somewhere saying there are new items by artists you've bookmarked
Also adding a little message in each post in the forums saying if there is new music by the poster you haven't seen
Also if there is more time I will add "Other music you might enjoy" using cross reference by other members who've bookmarked similar items.

Updated... need to just add in the hooks to the pages now smile

also added a "[new]" icon to the music list, if it looks goofy hit refresh. its a CSS thang.


(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Saskrotch wrote:
trash80 wrote:

Everyone. I want people to discover people in the forums.

what about cases where people upload like 5+ tracks in a sitting? or is it just going to be "new music" instead of like "This Guy - This Song"?

[ New Music ]


(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Saskrotch wrote:

Also adding a little message in each post in the forums saying if there is new music by the poster you haven't seen

is that for everyone or people you've bookmarked?

Everyone. I want people to discover people in the forums.


(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

CDK: Not funny.

Anyway today I'm going to try adding  more filters:

- New Comments to your music
- Your Music
- New Music By Artists you've bookmarked

Also adding a little message to say you got new comments.
Also adding a message somewhere saying there are new items by artists you've bookmarked
Also adding a little message in each post in the forums saying if there is new music by the poster you haven't seen
Also if there is more time I will add "Other music you might enjoy" using cross reference by other members who've bookmarked similar items.



(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I agree that the popup is awkward. It was against my better judgment to do it. The reason I ened up leaving it is so that you can quickly browse a list without having to go back.

Subscribing to someone else's bookmarks sounds like a good idea, but no one really uses the bookmarking feature.

As for comparing it to 8bc, we decided to not have a likes system BY REQUEST from the people here.
There will be thumbs, hence the option in the upload page.

And there will be a front page of some kind.

And there will be a way to find tracks that are of decent quality that is not based on how popular it is.

You have to understand this site launched a little over 2 weeks ago, the music section launched just a few days ago. Programming something RIGHT the first time takes time. So please be patient.

Most of the time spent on making the music section was working on a comfortable database structure that can scale, working on a lightweight framework that can scale, making member uploads a secure process, making files names nice and browser friendly, having a flash upload for the progress bar on uploads. So far everything that has been added has been more tailored for the artist and less for the general user and will continue to be so until the required features are out of the way.


(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

First off the area just launched.

Second: there are only a handfull of tracks up there now.

Third: It was also decided to not have a likes system, there will be a optional "thumbs" system, which iwll give decent results for "filtering"

Forth: If you don't like it you can leave.


(18 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)


Sweet, If you want any help or someone to poke around the first batch of code let me know as I have all of the parts. smile

NeX wrote:

but those cables only seem to have 4 wires, i would assume that pin 4 is missing because it doesn't do anything, and maybe power is missing, or maybe the shelding is ground?

Power is usually missing so your probably right.
You need a cable that has power or your going to have to pin swap the serial out. which makes the situation even more complicated.


(18 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Hahaha. You see the issue though... There needs to be a simple and elegant answer. So far I think akira^8GB is almost perfect. Hmm...

Don't know if this helps...

D = Data
C = Clock
V = Power
G = Ground

You need a multimeter / line tester / beeper thing to test what end is what on the gb side. My first guess would be to use the GB cable with the red and black wires and I would link the following:

D = Orange
C = Brown
V = Red
G = Black

if that doesnt work I would flip the D and C... try:

D = Brown
C = Orange
V = Red
G = Black

Should work I would gather.


(22 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Should be ok now.


(22 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Was able to reduplicate. I changed some things around 6:30 PM PST last night. Investigating.