(44 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

Saskrotch wrote:

uploaded a track fine with OSX and opera. dope!

I edited your track, make sure that tags are seperated by comma, not space.

That way you can have multi-word  tags. wink


(44 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

New bug: Comment counter is not working correctly. I'll rewrite and it should be fixed soon.


(44 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

tacticalbread wrote:
trash80 wrote:

Does it say what has exploded?

oh, yeah sorry. It said it was uploading for way to short a time on my connection, then it says upload complete. Then when I click submit, it refreshes the page (or whatever), and tells me Upload Failed.

Ok, what the HELL.

I tried it in Internet Crapsplorer, and it worked fine.

Might be a FF3.5.5 and flash thing.
I've not tested IE but FF2 FF3 and Safari.
I just noted everything "Looked" ok in IE smile


(44 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

tacticalbread wrote:

blargh, it's not letting me upload anything. I've tried two .mp3s and for both is says something exploded. I've tried multiple times for both. Running: Windows 7 x86, Chrome dev, and Firefox 3.5.5.

Does it say what has exploded?


(44 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

Please dont turn this into a "post your songs" thread. smile

But I would love to hear if you like it. big_smile


(44 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

Music section is about to be launched, in fact if your reading this you might see the "tab" in the header. Here are a few notes:

1. Any and all feature requests Please PLEASE PLEASE do not ask for until I post a new topic for it. The reason being is I've spent approx 120+ hours working on this and the last thing I want to hear is "Please add XYZ" before we work out all of the bugs.

2. There are improvements and or features currently missing here is a few: RSS podcast, Music Responses, Thumbs, Member profile music list, "New comments on XYZ", home page redesign, and URL Links to files. These are planned and put into a category I call "Phase 2" ... Though if there are not too many bugs I might be able to get the podcast XML done today.

3. Please report bugs and errors here in this thread. Be sure to state your Operating system, Browser, Browser version, and if its a screen related issue, your screen resolution and your selected theme (Trashbaby and Snow).

4. Please take this section seriously and do not post "FIRST" or "TESTING" or any of that nonsense.

I think that's all.  Enjoy.


(11 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

By the time this "feature" comes out mobile devices will have bigger screens and better browsers. (iphone works fine now)

I'm just saying if someone else wants to make the CSS and it looks good I'll add it, otherwise I really wont have the time for this for a while.



(10 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

it was a default setting. forgot about the issue till you mentioned it. fixed.

little-scale wrote:

Could one have "closed" categories at the same time as "open" tags?

Yes tags have hidden categories that mods can adjust. though... not at launch i think. There is alot of work right now.


(11 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Not PSP no.
I don't have that much free time.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

poke-1,170 wrote:

yeah I heard the new flash lets you convert stuff for iphone.
I think having a portable community and portable chip player (community driven, with playlists)
would be a lot of fun. You could catch up driving the train or subway with a "top 50 weeklist"
playlist, or a little scale playlist, or a personal favourites one or whatever.
I dunno if this can be done serverwise, but I would love a mobile app that does that.
Maybe it could be a podcast type of thing, I dunno. not too familiar with all of this

It totally can.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I will get to it in my infinite amounts of free time. smile


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

True, though isnt there a way to view the music now if it was rss podcast?

ant1 wrote:
arottenbit wrote:

BUG REPORTING: When i pass the mouse on the links on the bottom of the page, the text color should become white but it remains blue.


This happens for me, too.

Yes it happens to everyone. Noted.

the mist toggles wrote:
herr_prof wrote:


this would be handy

Its already there.