(19 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

poke-1,170 wrote:

As for music: upload on 8bc, direct link here wink

Now you say that!

/me throws away a week of coding.


(38 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

chunter wrote:

That, and it's vaporware until Musician's Fiend lists it.

You know our dear friend Johan Kotlinski is involved right? I'm just saying because someone had to.

The only stuff I know that does is the DMG07 because it needs power. smile

Also random china built GBC cables sometimes had power. It's always been a hit or miss. I bought a whole bunch of link cables on ebay that had all 6 pins, but the power WIRE was missing. lol


(19 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

poke-1,170 wrote:

must say 8bc has a slightly easier "your posts" button to keep track of what you posted, not your own post but the topic is displayed in a more easy way I think. sometimes. yeah.

Your Posts is a "advanced" search page query. which will be added here and is planned. Too busy working on the music section first.
As far as Topics we might be switching them to Title case as oppose to upper as it is already like that in the "snow" theme.

Thretris wrote:
Vytantus wrote:

Thretris you do know you dont have to use the DMG-07 cable just because it has the 5V pin.

You can use any DMG link cable, Trash80's pin swap > http://www.flickr.com/photos/trash80/29 … 324137185/

Did you know about this? Just for anyone else's benefit too i suppose.

Theres a thread on 8bc about it too.

Yeah, this is just a basic guide (color by numbers if you will), not including any of the technical stuff about using cables without the 5v (although I personally do know)

This more like a "keyboard for dummies" guide, for people not even wanting to use a multimeter.

Although I do mention, you can use the DMG-04 as long as it is Nintendo brand. I have not tried it, but Kitsch told me its the same as the 07, just 3rd party stuff wont carry the 5v. (I mentioned all this in my guide)

No, the Nintendo brand (04) is missing the power line. Hence the big NINTENDO logo in my flickr set. wink

Unless I'm misreading your post.


(19 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

It's not a problem just unexpected behavior. I didn't code these forums.

From a coding perspective it would be rather annoying to track not only when you last viewed a topic, but also the last post you have seen in that topic.


(19 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

it appears new posts takes you to the oldest-new post since your last visit.

octavialsilver wrote:

or rather, HNNNNNNNG.ORG

thrash:~ trash80$ whois HNNNNNNNG.ORG
thrash:~ trash80$ win.


(19 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Saskrotch wrote:

yeah but i'm saying it didn't

I'm pretty sure its based on your cookies and not data from the database. So if you cookie has expired YOU LOSE.

aent wrote:

I guess I'm the only lazy fuck lazy enough

And your avatar is starting to bother me. wink

arottenbit wrote:

i think that a closed tagging system would be better.

somethink just like this

with maybe some other "genres" like:
gameboy, c64, atari st, lsdj, Ableton, DS10, raw, post processed...

Tags can be watched by mods and deleted as need be.
I dont like the idea of restricting members until it becomes necessary

joule wrote:

What will thumbs be used for? Aren't they kind of useless, as you can just type "great" (and hopefully something else) in the comments?

The most important thing is that it can be used for statistics. That is, "Other music you might enjoy.." type of stuff.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:

Seems like the KRK Rokits are being widespread among us... I may be considering getting a pair but am not sure 100%

KRK's are over bassy, don't get them if you want accuracy.
They are perfect for cheap decent ear candy though.

Look here.

I did? hehe

Saskrotch wrote:

regardless of this forum,  8bc definitely has next / last entry buttons

I'm pretty sure I'm the one who added that feature. tongue