(12 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Why? If you don't want someone to read something, don't type it. But that's just my opinion.

It's 100 years in the future and we switched servers.

Sorry for any issues tonight. Let us all know if your experience is any better or worse since the move.  Hopefully things will be faster now. cool

The more I think about it everyone has good points and ideas, I think the best thing to do is to start simple and shape things as we go along.

Also I dont feel like programming that right now, we'll launch music as beta, add in the front page changes and figure out a game plan about capping

I think once a month is too high of a cap, I say no cap, and we'll increase it when the time comes to it. Im pretty sure at music launch we wont have too many uploads.

Once a month is bad in case someone opens a competition or a 48hour challenge sort of thing.  We are basically closing our doors to those sorts of things with a once a month upload policy.

Haha awesome. Needs more octave bass.

Better yet, more ragtime.


(61 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

egr wrote:

I agree that the chipmusic+tweet balloon is teh fine and dandy.  But why can't I "right click-save image as"?  Screencaps are sux.

EDIT:  Oh, because it's NOT an image... der der der

http://chipmusic.org/forums/style/Trash … s/logo.png


(61 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

pixls wrote:

that's lame. you're lame.
I say we need a logo, whether or not it's used on the actual website

It was a joke. Our logo is fine. It has taste.
If you want a floating bouncing hand-held game console you know where to go. Sorry I'm a design snob.


(61 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

pixls wrote:

yeah but, you can't just go posting "CHIPMUSIC" around the web, or on stickers, or or, t-shirts, or, whatever!

why not?

we can add "got" and a "?" to it



(61 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

chipmusic.org wrote:

Best so far.

Crazy thing about living on a desert continent isnt?

pixls wrote:

pshaw, you crazy more like 1 minute ago.

The CSS was the issue, which is cached of course.

pixls wrote:

where is it?

Members button in the top menu.

hit refresh, it was fixed 10 mins ago.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Didnt even notice! I'll find and destroy...