(61 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

i hate you guys heart


Yeah that area used to be the height and size of the whole right column, one of my css changes must of messed it up. I'll look at it tomorrow (today)


(61 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

oh and


(61 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

andrio wrote:

1,2,3 or 4. Go!

That's nice. But I don't think we need a symbol/icon/emblem that represents this site.
There is something to be said for elegant typography with a smart ass sitting on top screaming banter.

DKSTR wrote:

"yeah just like UserX said on post #58 above" than have multiple quotes.

you should generally always quote i think.

dont hold your breath.

You can click ANYWHERE in the box to open in a new window, not just the text.

I have one I can give you. I bought 2 off of nonfinite. only use one- hardly.

$500 obo


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i put in a request to buy chipmusic.com, we'll see how that goes. tongue


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nonfinite wrote:

And what's worse, I can't even see what they're queuing up!  Can someone please zoom in on that jukebox so I can see what it is they're so interested in?  Damn my poor eyesight...

joule wrote:

I don't like that idea. Being on a special list is a contest.

Not on a special list. I'm saying ther could be a link, or a list, that shows songs that have a certain score.

The score would be based on information, such as (for the sake of argument ill call "likes" thumbs)

(comments / views) + (thumbs / views) + (bookmarks/views) / 3

if a track has 15 views, 1 comment, 1 thumb, 0 bookmarks its total score would be: 0.04
if its a popular artist track, and they have: 1623 views, 143 thumbs, 120 comments, 45 bookmarks: 0.063

This puts all songs on a more even playing field for a "popular" chart.
We are not necessarily going this direction I'm just thinking out loud, the most important feature right now is even having uploads in the first place wink

I dont know if anyone has seen this before... This is a Playlist using some-site's database. It uses Likes VS Views VS Comments. Its not a popularity contest because you can have 5 views and 3 likes, and rank as high or higher then a song with 1000 views and 200 likes.

There are ways in which saying you like something is important. We could just hide the number and people who like it from view, except to the author. I actually think maybe im on to something there.

I take some of my suggestions back. I hate committee decisions. I love community.

Can anyone explain why they do not want likes? Maybe there is a way to improve it to make everyone happy.
There was also talk about "thumbs" which is going to be there at very least for the comments.

- Tagging has been planned already.
- Likes, well. yeah. I can go either way.
- Bookmarking or flagging for later viewing without other users seeing on the item's page should totally be on the list.

- Separate uploads is a bad idea with good intentions.
- The other method of "featuring" items on the front isn't very good either.

Here is my suggestion and which I'll probably implement.
- Each user is allowed to opt their song for review, but it will be limited to once every 2 weeks. From there we can have either Members vote if its good (ahem likes) or by a special committee. That committee would include mods, admins, and users who contribute the most to the site in a positive way.
- Either way there will still be a area that's a "Free for all" on the front page, but will probably be in a random order at all times, and a color will mark it if you've seen it before.

These are just a few ideas, we still have quite a bit to go on the code front and we havn't approached display logic yet. We like hearing all of your thoughts and input, and rest assured we'll try to implement it the best way possible for everyone. heart

On a final note: I think there should be a rule about only posting songs that have been uploaded here in the "constructive criticism" area. With the new mp3 player BB code tag I can see people flooding the forums with "Hey check out my first LSDJ track" neutral


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

low-gain wrote:

(who doesn't do a tetris remix when they first start out right? lol).
