(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Alternatively you can move the wires from the analog ins 0,1,2 to pins 37,36,35 in that order, that should work.

PORTC on a arduino uno / 328/ 168 are the analog in pins, and PORTC on a arduino mega / 1280/2560 it refers to pins 30 to 37, backwards.


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

RyuX wrote:

I wonder if it has something to do with the Analog INs ?! (i dont really get it how Analog Inputs can send the gameboy a signal)

It's using those pins as digital outs (except the input from gameboy, that'd be input wink

RyuX wrote:

It could also be my Arduino Mega 1280 (chinese copy) ?!
Maybe someone has a clue. Thanks guys

Yup, the code was made for the atmega 328/168 chip, the 1280 is a different chip so you'vee either have to find out where the pins are located or find/replace all of the arduinoboy code (all tabs in the editor)... "PINC" to "PIN[whatever it is]" and "PORTC" to "PORT[whatever it is]" looking at this thread... http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaB … 1241206933 ... you can change the code from "PINC" to "PINF" and "PORTC" to "PORTF"


(18 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

The Flying Saucer Men wrote:

Anyone else finding difficulty "submitting" music as well?  >_<

All part of the same server, all the files are intact, looks like a server error somewhere.


(18 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

re: 8bc STFU.

I'm looking into it now.


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

RyuX wrote:

Hey guys.. i dont want to start a new thread, i am currently waiting for the parts for my arduinoboy smile
I want to only install 1 LED (status LED). But i want to be able to change modes and still know where i am at. I am a real arduino newb, is there a way to rewrite the code that the Status LED blinks when changing the mode.. (Say Mode 1: 1 blink, Mode 2: 2 blinks etc.) ?
Would be really great if anyone has a hint... Thanks

in the code on the first tab in the arduino editor you should see this almost midway down the page:

int pinStatusLed = 13; // Status LED
int pinLeds[] = {12,11,10,9,8,13}; // LED Pins

change them all to be on the same pin number you will be using like...

int pinStatusLed = 13; // Status LED
int pinLeds[] = {13,13,13,13,13,13}; // LED Pins


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Is it bad that I already found a mistake?


(90 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

ant1 wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

$50 extra for the code

firebrandboy wrote:

gplv2 licensed

Yeah if you're selling a product with modified gpl code, ***you have to release your modified source code*** But then again, there is probably very very little modified, I'm actually kind of confused on why there are 2 Arduino pro minis, this could easily of been done with one, unless I'm missing something. How much R&D was done on this project again?

As for slamming projects, to me it seems people slam projects if they either are ripoffs of other projects without clear credits, or too expensive.

The button you are using... is it a momentary push button or a switch?
It should be a momentary push button ie: it doesn't lock to on and lock to off, only on when held down.

And now a days there is also this guy: http://www.djtechtools.com/2012/02/27/i … ighter-3d/

Woo! THIS PLACE IS WEIRD. Thanks for asking that question, now I know to bring my own booze! xD

AKA Does it support CoreMIDI?

First off you don't need to tie that pin4 to the optoisolator on that board unless you cut the power pin trace to the optoisolator. the reason arduinoboy uses pin4 to tie to the optoisolator is so that the code can turn on/off the optoisolator (it provides power) ... The sparkfun board uses a switch "run/program" instead.

Whats happening in your video is that the arduinoboy is cycling modes, your push button isnt working for whatever reason. Also that setting in your code doesn't do force mode, it just means that you can overwrite those default settings via EEPROM using the arduinoboy settings editor.

Your gonna also have to do this:

code wrote:

byte defaultMemoryMap[MEM_MAX] = {
  0x7F,0x01,0x02,0x7F, //memory init check
  0x01, //force mode (forces lsdj to be sl)
  0x00, //mode
  15, //sync effects midi channel (0-15 = 1-16)
  15, //masterNotePositionMidiChannel - LSDJ in master mode will send its song position on the start button via midi note. (0-15 = 1-16)
  15, //keyboardInstrumentMidiChannel - midi channel for keyboard instruments in lsdj. (0-15 = 1-16)
  1, //Keyboard Compatability Mode
  1, //Set to true if you want to have midi channel set the instrument number / doesnt do anything anymore
  0,1,2,3, //midiOutNoteMessageChannels - midi channels for lsdj midi out note messages Default: channels 1,2,3,4
  0,1,2,3, //midiOutCCMessageChannels - midi channels for lsdj midi out CC messages Default: channels 1,2,3,4
  1,1,1,1, //midiOutCCMode - CC Mode, 0=use 1 midi CC, with the range of 00-6F, 1=uses 7 midi CCs with the
                       //range of 0-F (the command's first digit would be the CC#), either way the value is scaled to 0-127 on output
  1,1,1,1, //midiOutCCScaling - CC Scaling- Setting to 1 scales the CC value range to 0-127 as oppose to lsdj's incomming 00-6F (0-112) or 0-F (0-15)
  1,2,3,7,10,11,12, //pu1: midiOutCCMessageNumbers - CC numbers for lsdj midi out, if CCMode is 1, all 7 ccs are used per channel at the cost of a limited resolution of 0-F
  1,2,3,7,10,11,12, //pu2
  1,2,3,7,10,11,12, //wav
  1,2,3,7,10,11,12, //noi
  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, //mGB midi channels (0-15 = 1-16)
  15, //livemap / sync map midi channel (0-15 = 1-16)
  80,1,  //midiout bit check delay & bit check delay multiplier
  0,0//midiout byte received delay & byte received delay multiplier


(32 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Victory Road wrote:
Lazerbeat wrote:

Awesome hardware! Quick question, does "hard sync" mean the filter envelope resets every new note?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscillator_sync#Hard_Sync <- i know wiki is dubious, but that's a pretty good explanation!

And that is exactly what it is. Well that and lazerbeat's mom still applies of course. big_smile

Edit: I also love the sound of Hardsync, kind of a fake-filtery sound, and I have never heard it applied to a LFSR. I should make more audio demos.


(32 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

2PLAYER wrote:
Frostbyte wrote:

yo trash, would there be a way to stack these and get like, 4 channels out of one unit?

This is what my question was getting at. Would it cost 70 for each channel we wanted or is there a way to use one midi top for multiple boards and just use different midi channels

Maybe. The issue would be timers & serial interrupt messing eachother up, unless the line is spilt up. I think it would be sweet if they were modular in a way that you could just stack units together in a chain, but it's too early to know.


(32 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

2PLAYER wrote:

So is this single channel monophonic?

Yeah right now. Could use a 4th timer for either sampler or another oscillator... or with some trickery could free up another timer as well- or use it for dual purpose.


(32 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Lazerbeat wrote:

Awesome hardware! Quick question, does "hard sync" mean the filter envelope resets every new note?

hard sync meaning hardware, as in what I showed your mom last night.