xero wrote:

the transplant is a success!
and with no rejection! ;D

i think the paper disfusser gives it a cool textured look.
great job!

really useful info to know!


(62 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

animalstyle wrote:
pr0n wrote:

ive seen most of your mods with that 25 pin connector, wat do you connected it to and why?

sorry if its a newbish thing...

you could probably use it to reflash the arduino with updates to whatever software is on there...  i used it back in the day to send the buttons to my feet - circuit benders use them to send bends to a patch bay etc.

exactly, its for reflashing the arduino, controlling the buttons, and also taking the LCD data out of the gameboy. there are a few posts on this site i have done where i have built an adapter that you plug the gameboy into, and the other end into a TV and get the gameboy on the TV. i have also made a NES cotroller for it and a few other things. but its great for testing


(62 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

animalstyle wrote:

Yo Nex - awesome mod dude! bucky showed me this and i was like whoooaaaa.  i like the D-sub connector you get on there.  ; ]  skillz++

thanks! the 25way connector is really useful, there are lots of other projects i have made which use the same connector so they are all interchangable smile

egr wrote:
NeX wrote:

haha wow thats awesome, thats really cool that its just the same screen!

can i have the old screen and the rest of the gameboy pocket?????

Sure if you'd like! PM me an address.  smile

u haz spammz

CMDR wrote:

Post edited to show cartridges and DS missing.
Thanks NeX and UNiX!

legend thanks!


(62 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

SAMWAVE wrote:

Nex you are truly inspiring smile

thank you so much! that is exactly why i do this, i want other people to be inspired and want to do this kind of thing too, i want someone to beat me in modding ideas,

haha wow thats awesome, thats really cool that its just the same screen!

can i have the old screen and the rest of the gameboy pocket?????

if you can get an RF modulator, then it would be really not that hard to build a selector switch to choose, or if you are smart, some kind of auto sensing switch?


(62 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

xero wrote:

awesome as usual ;D

thanks smile smile

herr_prof wrote:

i think pushing chiptards to buy mcd's food is just pouring salt into the wound.

i don't think they need pushing lol

isn't the McDonold's toy free? i have seen some places trying to sell those batteries for stupid amounts, if you can get them cheap then get them

egr wrote:

I do have a pocket i could sacrifice, but believe me when I tell you there's no way either the lcd or screen protector is coming off the gbl in one piece.  sad

you can use the pocket just to test it,

the screen should be easy to get out, take the gameboy front half, and grab it at the top and bottom, then twist the plastic slightly, it should cause the screen to pop off. there is no need to take the screen protector off, you will damage it.

the screen may seem like its really stuck (i have had many pockets like that, where even a screwdriver under the screen wont work without breaking the glass) but a slight twist can loosen it, as its been stuck there for a loooong time

weird, that gameboy has eliments of the DMG, pocket and colour, its like a missing link!

but it looks very very much like a gameboy pocket screen, you may find that a gameboy pocket screen is a plug and play.

if you have a spare pocket screen, just plug it in and give it a try, if it works then you can just take the backing off and slide in the EL plate.

be careful with the hot iron idea, the pocket screens (if thats what it is) are very fragile, they are not like DMG screens and they are very easy to break. you should be fine if you are just careful with it,


(62 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kitsch wrote:
NeX wrote:

guys seriously, if you want something that does all that then just buy an iPhone!

just don't expect to be able to use it as a phone with good reception with at&t unless you live in a major metropolitan area.

they make great ipod touches though...

lol who ever heard of a smart phone that you can use of a phone???

i had a smart phone that stopped in the middle of a call, when i looked at the screen it said "error in phone.app"


(62 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

guys seriously, if you want something that does all that then just buy an iPhone!

waffle_bomb wrote:

you could just go to pound land smile

lol pound land doesn't have a global fanchise like Mcdonolds. i think if someone in the US wanted to go to pound land, it would cost them more than a pound to get there