(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

arottenbit wrote:

awesome. i have no other words. big_smile

and what about the two female jack at the bottom?

..thanx for the pic. smile

thanks smile and no probs,

the two jacks at the bottom are for audio, the one on the left is pro sound and the one on the right is the original amped sound. on top of them they have tactile switches mounted which switch the back light and case lights on and off.


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

STereochan wrote:

Oh. My. God. I'd pay a hundred bucks and a blowjob for such a thing *.*
Fuckin amazing man, put it to good use

ohh big_smile lol

it shall be used well, but then again this is nothing to what i am working on at the moment.... just need a little more cash and a truck load of components and it will be ready for show and tell


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

arottenbit wrote:

PLEASE. big_smile

And what is the lpt port for?
Video output? yikes

it has kinda video out, it has LCD out and i have built an adapter that can put that on the TV, also it is button out so i can plug in a controller etc, and it is power in and out, so i can use it to power things, or power it with other things, and it also allows for remote pitch bending if i want to use a larger control on it. its a very useful port.

pic on the way.


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

not sure how to get a bigger res pic up, as that is as big as facebook seems to allow, but i am glad you like it smile


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

My gameboy project, (build blog here:http://8bitcollective.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=15327)

is finally finished! i have been shying away from this one because i really didn't think the gameboy was going to close properly but it all works perfectly so i am very happy.

anyway pics and video are what you want to see so here they are:


Final assembly

Lights and testing

daylight photos of it all kitted out and finished

daylight photos without all the crap on it


Low CPU speed

Normal CPU speed

Fast CPU speed

Variable CPU speed


Case lights

Case lights, backlight, variable CPU speed and mute switch (christmas tree mode)

So what do you all think? i am very pleased with it because it works so well and i really didn't think it would!

you know i should start charging for this!

i have just gone over and done the post production on the front side,

NeX wrote:

if you wanted them so bad you just had to ask....

but i did them anyway, if you want the high res then message me. i did these just now so i haven't edited them or straightened them


Thanks NeX, ur my hero big_smile big_smile

hell, you're all my hero. Im using these for digital download cards...basically a stylized cardboard cutout of a gameboy featuring  album graphics. it'll be SWEEEEET!!! I'll post the results here, and send you all a copy if you want :d big_smile heart

sounds like an awesome idea, drop me a message i will send you the high rez, and i would love to see what you do with them also, this card idea sounds refreshingly original wink

if you wanted them so bad you just had to ask....

but i did them anyway, if you want the high res then message me. i did these just now so i haven't edited them or straightened them


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

an-cat-max wrote:

this is a really cool idea smile

now build a house using only gameboys!

lol i wish!

i was inspired by James may's lego house, maybe something like that!


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

they are very cool, but i think i can do them at a much higher quality, and i want them just as tiles too


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

arottenbit wrote:

with all the gameboys you have you could replace all the tiles of your bathroom floor. lol

waaaay ahead of you wink my GF's mum works with ceramics, we are planing to take a mould of a gameboy and a nes controller, and make some tiles for the kitchen, two rows of nes controllers with gameboys in the middle big_smile


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

PixyJunket wrote:

Not bad. smile

I see a pink Pocket in the box. sad

yea i wish i had space for all of them, some of the pockets look great, and the famitsu ones too, some day i will have a proper display for them,

but for now this was just a quick idea, took about half an hour to make, had all the bits lying around so cost nothing either...


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

arottenbit wrote:
NeX wrote:

also i am not sure about having them on show all the time, because the grey boys go yellow in the sun

...and the blue ones become greyish in the sun. sad

do they? time for a table cloth i think


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Rei Yano wrote:

these pics anger me

because its not your coffee table?


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

cool thanks! smile

i have a reel of LED ribbon that i have been using to underlight the kitchen, if there is any left i will use it on this, but i think this is tempory, i want all the gameboys in the same place, so this is just while i am working on a bigger display case.

also i am not sure about having them on show all the time, because the grey boys go yellow in the sun