Mono wrote:

I think DaPants works for 8bitpeoples, right? last I recall... .and Peter does TCTD.  which happens to be a huge 8bitpeoples fan boi, nuff said... Null just happens to mange 8bitpeoples... it's all connected. I love the unity and sticking out for one another though... but there comes a point where it all just looks silly. I mean srsly.

This is so ridiculous that I'm starting to think we were being trolled this whole time...

Mono wrote:

Regardless, it certainly doesn't make your argument any stronger to say the least in regards to all this. Especially when it's pretty clear and fairly known that there have been attempts (and I'd imagine there will be more in the future) to use MySpace for FOX's political agenda (why wouldn't they? They own it.), as I already pointed out for those who believe MySpace is just a "neutral" site.

Right here, you're essentially lumping together years of UNSUCCESSFUL attempts to promote an overt political/racist agenda via MySpace to years of SUCCESS in promoting an overt political/racist agenda via FOX News. It's extremely different, and like Nullsleep, I'm finding myself confused as to how this bears further explanation...

Nullsleep wrote:

Discussion is a good thing, as long as it doesn't descend into a totally counter-productive flamewar -- which I don't think this thread has.  And if some people don't like your music, big fucking deal, don't take it personally.  But take a look at what they said and consider whether you can channel it into improving your work.

Nullsleep wrote:

evaluate situations and make decisions as they come up.

I wish people truly followed this train of thought more often. It'd really reignite some of my personal love for the community...

I consider James and Lydia to be good personal friends of mine. I'm glad they're hitting their goals, and I recognize this performance as one of those goals, even though I personally wouldn't want to participate in something like this because it goes against what I believe in. I'm happy for them.

So yeah, as it relates to this performance, I really don't see anything wrong with critiquing it or its venue. We're all supposed to be critical thinkers, for fuck's sake. Aren't we?

I despise everything about FOX News, and I find some of the attempts in this thread to relate their overt and focused political/racist agenda to a general blanket statement about Myspace and other sites to be flimsy at best.

Having a Myspace band page, for instance, does not disqualify one from critical thought regarding some racist asshole on the television because the two networks happen to be owned by the same person in this example. You can rail against the dissemination of that shit regardless of whatever other concepts or products you consume, and I do not see the hypocrisy in that. Even if everything sucks, that's no reason to be complacent. Doing so is a cheap copout.

lol @ that photo of Alex.

Any videos?


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

Jellica is one of my personal favorite artists of any genre/medium...really excited about this.

I'm just gonna live here. So awesome.

^That about sums it up excellently right there.

i liek it so mushh

da illest

All of my future EPs are going to be about Ethiopian cheesesteaks.

facundo wrote:
DaPantz wrote:


Love the mixtape-style lineup, love the flier (among my favorites ever), love everything about this.


^Watch them on the stream!


(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Barcade = the worst scumbag patrons ever. But yea, fun games and QUALITY beer.

Loving those two open mic vids. heart