if you would be up for making some (and they're not comedy
Not comedy? James? James? CDK? Is that you? Hello?
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by DaPantz
if you would be up for making some (and they're not comedy
Not comedy? James? James? CDK? Is that you? Hello?
Reverse Derris-Kharlan for the win.
This was an absolute blast!
Finally got this yesterday, so fuckin' psyched to get home and listen to it. Thanks for the spotz, Damon. The artwork from Rich and Asif is absolutely gorgeous, the packaging top notch.
Girlfriend? Pics or it didn't happen.
ps. That shirt = Don Miller status.
I have lotsa nice clothes, but I think I'm gonna mix it up with some funkiness this time around. Wish me luck.
I'll be so happy to see you there. Don't be sorry, you can holla anytime
Oh god tRasH cAn maN!!!
I'm gonna download that shit. But also, like I said, that cover art is absolutely stunning. Sheeeeyit.
Nothing has beat the original pixls creation yet...
It doesnt really advertize the site or the music.
Personally, I prefer it that way...
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by DaPantz