the blue stone gameboy was sold to BR1GHT PR1MATE. Enjoy your new gameboy!
129 Feb 3, 2013 6:27 pm
Re: Zaxxon's Custom Gameboys (49 replies, posted in Trading Post)
130 Feb 1, 2013 6:24 pm
Re: WTB: DMG screws and DMG back PCB or power socket? (3 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I have some extra screws and a back pcb if you want it. Just pm me with what your willing to pay
131 Feb 1, 2013 4:46 pm
Re: Is it possible to replicate the DMG-01 sound through a computer? (12 replies, posted in Audio Production)
It doesn't have the dmg sound chip in it so it wouldn't be exact but you'll probably get pretty close with an emulator in terms of sound.
133 Jan 30, 2013 5:43 am
Re: Zaxxon's Custom Gameboys (49 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Now selling gameboy for reduced price and bidding here:
134 Dec 25, 2012 4:30 am
Re: how do I fix dead columns on my DMG? (9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Are they vertical or horizontal?(your picture doesn't appear)
If they are vertical do this:
If they are missing horizontal lines you cant really do anything
136 Dec 17, 2012 12:08 am
Topic: Zaxxon's Custom Gameboys (49 replies, posted in Trading Post)
*Shipping is included in the price as long as you live in the continental United States
*I am available for commission if you have a specific design in mind*
(I can mod gameboy pockets, gameboy originals, and gameboy colors)
just PM me
Also if you buy a gameboy from me and you are happy with your transaction please leave some some positive feedback here:
Also selling my synthboy + (black and pink version), xbox 360, ps3, ps1, gamecube games, ps3 games, gamecube (silver) w/ wavebird controllers (2), and a microkorg with carrying case. I am available for any questions regarding price or pictures upon request via pm. Thanks in advance and its nice to be back here after so long!
The "smoothboy":
*Gameboy in sanded down casing complete with PCB Mount Pro Sound V2, Variable Clock v4, new buttons from asmretro, and new replacement screen cover. pm me if you're interested and have offers or questions
*A special thank you goes to Apeshit for helping me out with an issue involving the PCB prosound
SOLD Black and Blue Boy:
*This gameboy has a blue asmretro backlight (normal polarization), black kitsch case, clear blue dmg buttons from kitsch, and silver screen cover from asmretro.
Orange Gameboy Pocket SOLD :
*includes orange backlight (normal polarization), internal prosound, and new screen cover with plastic seal still on.
White and Green Gameboy SOLD :
*(1/4th in jack and green backlight)
White and Blue Gameboy SOLD:
*(1/4th in jack and blue backlight)
Blue Stone Gameboy SOLD:
*(1/8th in jack and white backlight)
Clear Purple Frontlit Gameboy Color SOLD:
*RCA jacks, new screen cover, and frontlight (The RCA jacks were added for no profit on my part out of respect for low-gain and the rules of his tutorial)
Watermelon Boy KEPT:
138 Sep 25, 2012 2:40 am
Topic: WTB: Greyboys in mediocre condition (1 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I would like to buy some greyboys in bad condition (in terms of the case being kinda ugly) or missing vertical lines for 10-15 dollars each. PM me if you're interested in selling me one or two
139 Sep 9, 2012 4:54 am
Re: [SOLVED] Anyone have a moog polymoog? (14 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
i don't think you should get an old analog synth unless you enjoy working on electronics. the new ones sound awesome. only get one of the old ones if you'd really have fun fixing and maintaining it.
This why ill probably just get a minibrute i just gotta get the funds first xD
140 Sep 1, 2012 2:53 am
Re: Customized gear thread (1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I use gold alot and its powder coat and i tried spraying inside out with it and it was extremely difficult to get it in all the cracks and crevices.So i was just wondering about this as maybe an alternative to what i use now. Thanks
141 Aug 31, 2012 6:00 pm
Re: Customized gear thread (1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
is montana 94 powder based paint or liquid?
142 Aug 26, 2012 4:28 am
Re: [SOLVED] Anyone have a moog polymoog? (14 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
I can solder how much do you think a project like that will cost me?
143 Aug 26, 2012 4:28 am
Re: [SOLVED] Anyone have a moog polymoog? (14 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
I can solder how much do you think a project like that will cost me?
Edit: sorry my computers been acting funny it double posted
Edit 2: nvm i found out using that google thing. I just might try building that thanks
144 Aug 26, 2012 12:58 am
Re: [SOLVED] Anyone have a moog polymoog? (14 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
Ok thanks everyone but i might not be willing to pay that much for a synth just yet roboctopus. Is there maybe a synth i could get that is generally on the cheaper side but still decently fuctionable? Cheaper being less than 500. If this isnt a possiblity ill just have to start saving then haha. Also Grymmtymm i was wondering how much you would be willing to sell yours for? If its more than 500 i understand and im sorry i cant afford it yet.
would this synth be recommended?: