Decktonic wrote:

so glad I had an excuse to post this again.

Yes, indeed, I think 8-bit and girl are too vague for search, and I couldn't remember an artist name.


(20 replies, posted in Releases)

I think you mean Cajones Muertes, which means dead balls.

Monotron wrote:

For people who have played some stuff live in a public setting how did it go for you?

There are threads about this already, the real answer is that you don't know until you try.

I once played in a used video games store in a college town two hours away, it went well, but it's too far for me to go there with any frequency.

Rico Z wrote:

i think it was this song.

It wasn't, by comparison that song is pretty good...

Monotron wrote:

I live in the middle of nowhere Wyoming. Needless to say it isn't bustling.

Responding as a matter of sympathy, where I live the music scenes are small and strong, to the point where I have a good idea of who everyone is and feel that playing for or with them wouldn't break new ground for me. It is easy to bring an instrument to the docks and play for snow birds and tourists.

Wyoming is a big place, but my understanding is that there are tourist centers where you may get permission to busk if that's your feeling. If not, I understand that too.


(10 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

There are some c64 blips in the pack this round, but I'm not sure what I'd share in .xrni, because with chip you can just draw a sample and do what you want. Leave interpolation off for best result.

I know one example of a poster being hazed from the beginning, it appears the video was taken down:

Heosphoros wrote:
Bit wish wrote:

Ive asked EC, STereoChan, ANT1 had sad hes done. and some othe people who think this website is full poops.

These are old figures in the chip community?

Tree Wave are ancient...

TheBronyChip wrote:

oh awesome do they have a facebook page i could like so i know when they are doing shows and stuff?


Links from memory, don't know if there are bookfaces or not

See You In Sleep, coda, and the @party crew are Massachusetts based, and there are a number of people in eastern Canada. Ymmv

That is the only way to have events in the Midwest, that was how the classic raves were done... But there are laws about house parties too. They gradually outlawed most forms of fun from the 60s on, at least where I lived...

kitsch wrote:

  i *think* Dolphin might have been the name of the company that did a popular gamecube one, but maybe thats the devices model name...  i dunno, been a while i thought about that stuff.

Dolphin was the code name of the GameCube project before it had a real name, as Wii was Revolution, Sega Dreamcast was Duval, etc.

All that is quite correct, though. I remember a photo showing midi gear used to create the SMB 3 music, it was ported in with a development tool. I expect the classic Pokemon soundtracks to have been done like that, considering the GB platform was already ten years old by then wink

The YouTube puzzle is interesting, because I think there was a habit developed for saying "I make electronic (genre) music" and if people figure out or want to use a chip tag, they will. So now, there's all manner of chipmusic that won't call itself chipmusic....

I don't think there is a problem with curation. Music is so subjective that a broad description that chipmusic is isn't just likely to mix genres you don't like, it's virtually guaranteed. The large availability of low quality art is not a chipmusic problem, it's true across all music and art. People split off to their circles of friends and promote the music they like with each other, nothing changed there.

Don't be discouraged when an idea doesn't work or doesn't spread as quickly as you expected.

Share more music and more quality music will be available. The style dies when you stop making it.


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

(aanaaanaaanaaana is a free and anonymous sporadic release entity.)

Legion, or something. Looking forward to more.

ForaBrokenEarth wrote:

Wait till they grow out of it, solder in a jack. Bam. Kid's get tired of shit quickly.

Definitely this. I have a feeling my future kid is going to get sick of me circuit bending all the toys.


On with all the Grateful Dead concerts.

The ears of people who like it.

For people who said "elevators" and meant it, I've 25% considered seeing if anyone wants to make Mario in an Elevator 2 (or a bossa nova compilation.) I won't work on something like that until mid-Spring though.