calmdownkidder wrote:
bryface wrote:

1.  stop using so many pentatonic scales
2.  melody lead lines need to have rests so as not to fatigue the listener's attention.  quite often i hear songs where melody lines just go on forever, snaking every which way, with no pause.  the longer the melody line, the harder the brain to retain it in its entirety until an "end" is perceived - at which point it can then start to file and categorize it mentally.

that's is the extent of the highly biased and uninformed advice that i can give in this highly contentious thread

To add to this, I think one of the Anamanaguchi guys said they sang stupid nonsensical lyrics to come up with their melodies - I think it makes sense to think of your main melody as a "vocal line" if you will, and when you listen to songs with lyrics it's not someone 'go[ing] on forever, snaking every which way, with no pause'.

If your songs have no hook, try this.

Trying the opposite (removing space between strong ideas) is okay too, I think it's more a point to have your lead give way to the other things happening in the song, so that each sound gets attention at different times. (That's one of the OP's points, isn't it?)

Part of commenting on these topics is trying to remember if I wrote about somethingthat's lost in 8bc or if I wrote it here!

I try to have three major ideas in every song. I may add more or take a bad idea away, but I normally go for three major ideas, and a handful of minor ones.

I think this music has reached a point where certain questions aren't practical for the forum, for example, all the questions about dubstep bass (answer: watch a tutorial) or get a four or five notes chord to work on a three tone instrument (arps or drop unimportant notes,) get closed immediately because it's stuff many of us have known about for years. I'm happy to answer questions about structure and harmony but there are so many styles here that it's hard to talk about that in a way that suits everyone.


(6 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

You may want to work on making the drums stand out more (not necessarily more drums, just more snap to what is already there,) otherwise I say you're doing it right.

The Squarepusher quote was not about presets, it was about how guitars can't play quarter tones unless you physically bend the strings with your fingers or play with a slide, or that NES and Game Boy's dynamics are inherently weak; he wishes that all listeners and critics could take that into account.

To which I say, if wishes were horses...

It's true that some of OP's red points can be completely ignored in some kinds of music, and that's okay. We have enough musical styles represented here that often what people think is good is more a matter of "I like this kind of music" than "this guy is good at what he does," which is how it should be, at least among the stuff in "releases."

also related … -musician/

4mat wrote:

It's not the editors per se as much as the playback drivers in them. They will sound "a certain way" to a degree, regardless of the creativity or technical prowess involved.

This subject comes up later the same day I restumbled on … _p__197181

All the red points in the OP can be topics in their own right.

Nice. (Not for squeamish.)

Agreeing with Mr Swimm.

It is plausible to have short text-only sigs that disallow graphics and embeds if we want them: the advantage is that sometimes i can see the referrers in my website clicks and know someone saw something specific i said in a forum instead of generically knowing the viewer clicked through cm.o. I do like the idea of generic fields instead of making fields for bookface and twitter, because in 15 years we will laugh at them just like aim and y accounts.

How about putting them in a sig?


(43 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This: … dd-a-drop/

danimal cannon wrote:

Don't really give shit.

I have more issues with a certain website selling free albums for $0.60

But not enough issues to call a lawyer.

I learned FT2 on a 486 with an evergreen cpu. You didn't name a motherboard either. Two soundcards is actually okay if you don't try to use both at once and set them on different addresses. Look for a GUS.

Have a playlist of all four parts for ease of viewing. Thanks so much for sharing this. … 7WmeUdfnOh

goto80 wrote:

"Why do you use new computers?"

Merci, must remember that answer and figure out why my Swype keyboard keeps changing top French.

Jellica wrote:

i think i'd prefer to comment on the
Is chipmusic not executed seriously?
it got closed sad

This should be attached to the "musings on a train" thread.

More seriously, though, if there is a direction I want to see chipmusic go, it's this one. It isn't even a new direction, it reminds me of Tree Wave, with a feeling of "we have this stuff, let's see how we can perform with it."