You could use an instrument with L in its table for slides.
689 Aug 20, 2011 9:29 pm
Re: Simple LSDJ Keyboard Guide :UPDATE: (84 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)
690 Aug 20, 2011 4:16 am
Re: [Milwaukee, WI]-Aug 20 - Awkward Terrible, e.s.c., stagediver & more (14 replies, posted in Past Events)
If it's a showdown, I guess I better bring the heat! First gig, gonna start it off with a bang.
691 Aug 19, 2011 6:02 pm
Re: Pornotracker, a new NES music tracker (58 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Wow! Can't wait to sink my mitts into this.
692 Aug 14, 2011 9:56 pm
Re: Cheapshot & ??? - Remixes EP (19 replies, posted in Releases)
Loved it! Rad listening.
693 Aug 8, 2011 7:09 pm
Re: Anybody have some of the parts for this circuit? (11 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)
I def got that tear collector and scarab beetles.
694 Aug 5, 2011 3:09 am
Re: College, Chipmusic, and You (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
As a current college student who was in your shoes a few years ago, I'm going to echo some of the sentiments here and say that if you're passionate about music and musical engineering, chase those endeavors in your free time, perhaps taking a few classes to compliment your self-education, and don't limit yourself to schools with such specific programs and work hard to get into a very GOOD school, because odds are you'll be changing your mind about what you wanna do... Trust me, you'll be much happier at a great school than a great "musical engineering" school. Half of college is the experience, after all!
Just as an example, I'm currently a Sophomore at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. And, in all honesty, it's a school I don't think anyone can go wrong with. Look at the numbers, after all. Not to mention the fact that, for your interests, Michigan's engineering program and music school are among the best in the country, if not the world. I've also had aspirations of going into music for years, but the field of audio engineering has reached a point where schools, certification, etc. aren't worth nearly as much as they used to be in a shrinking industry. People care about your skills, not your pedigree.
I guess my overarching point with all this babbling is this: If you feel that you need formal education to make you good enough at what you want to do to get a job in it, then by all means do so. However, in the unstable modern world we live in, I'd recommend you supplement your love of music with a minor of some sort, and major in something else you're interested in that complements those abilities (for example, electrical engineering or computer science). You'll have a way easier time finding a job, and ultimately, keeping a job in the field you wanna work in.
Sorry for the long-winded reply, but I hope this helps!
Thank you! Interesting take from you. To me, I'm just itching to focus 100% on music and technology. Although it would be "safer" to major in something else, I don't think I'd learn as much about what I'm really passionate about. And I'm not expecting it to instantly launch me into the industry either. I will continue to cultivate my skills and if a pedigree can help, then I'm all for it! I'm also in WI and your Bachelor of Science in Sound Engineering looks very nice! Thanks for taking the time to write a reply.
695 Aug 5, 2011 12:43 am
Re: Gameboy CPU Vs. Super Gameboy CPU (19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I will be trying this soon. I almost want to get a hot air rework station! I'll build log it on my soon to be made blog or something.
696 Aug 5, 2011 12:35 am
Re: I'm baaaaaaaaaack (14 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Woo! Welcome back.
697 Aug 4, 2011 1:52 am
Re: I love music made with MAX/MSP, but I found alternatives... (28 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Pure Data Anywhere just got ported to the Caanoo, this could be interesting: … ,0,0,6,761
Now that IS exciting!
698 Aug 2, 2011 5:21 pm
Re: Piggy Tracker Thread (798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
I my PSP. Couldn't pig on anything else!
699 Aug 1, 2011 7:03 pm
Re: D.I.Y SidBlaster USB (29 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
All I really want is a PCB. All the gerber files and such are available. Maybe we could organize a bulk order?
700 Aug 1, 2011 2:53 pm
Re: College, Chipmusic, and You (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
On the other end of the spectrum, I've been at Belmont for two and a half years. I've had maybe one useful class (sound reinforcement) and the rest has not been very useful... Long story short, I just dropped out to take on music full time. It really all depends what you are looking to do and if you need that fancy piece of paper to do it.
Interesting. Admittedly jumping straight in like that scares me, and if education could help my chances then I'm all for it. I'd like to find a place that does prove to be useful.
Also: My sister is a piano performance major, I've been picking up bits and pieces over the years, I'm going to take lessons junior and senior year too.
701 Jul 31, 2011 11:13 pm
Re: Wizwars - Antichipmusik (8 replies, posted in Releases)
Great work! I loved it.
702 Jul 31, 2011 4:44 am
Re: D.I.Y SidBlaster USB (29 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
This actually looks like a nice simple DIY alternative to pricier options. I got an 8580 I wouldn't mind using. Is anyone selling PCB's?
703 Jul 30, 2011 10:09 pm
Re: College, Chipmusic, and You (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'm gonna be going to NYU to study music technology
That was really the only school I wanted to go to for that major, if I had decided to go anywhere else I would have just done something with electronics or computers. NYU's music tech program really gives a good balance between the musical & technical aspects of the subject, I feel. It is also not limited to audio production, and definitely presents "electronics, music theory, the applications of both".
If you haven't looked into it, I'd highly suggest it... you seem to be looking for something very similar to what I was.
That does look very nice indeed. However this one (as with many others) don't seem to focus as much on the electronics and circuit design, which I really would like to learn more about.
704 Jul 29, 2011 9:39 pm
Re: College, Chipmusic, and You (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Berklee is much more open to ideas such as VGM and DIY music than they were when I attended in the early 90s; when I applied, the admissions board demanded an explanation of what "video game music" means. Perhaps I was the first to write that on their application..
I'm not saying that you can't go from Berklee to chipmusic (or else I wouldn't be talking to you now) but it isn't an obvious or appropriate path, to me. If you principled in Trumpet you'd spend most of your time woodshedding and playing jazz covers. I went as a pianist, and though I learned a ton of harmony theory and treasure the overall experience, the domination of bebop era jazz and extremely technical live performing started to piss me off after three semesters.
From the email correspondence I've had with them I understand that I audition with an instrument/voice but that I should make it clear of my intentions to go into the electronic side of things. Would I have to principle in an instrument or could I be able to focus on the electronic production? Berklee seems really ideal to me (besides the price point).
I'll look into USCD!