Those look lovely! I'm super excited. Can you post a picture of the stickers for us to drool over?


(35 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Oh yes that mixer would be sweet, +1.

Some of my own suggestions, probably closer to dreaming-in-colour territory:

- Video-out for the gameboy. I know a couple of people have put together rigs that do gameboy-vga; it would be cool to see something like that available as a kit. I know I can use the super gameboy, but it would be nice not to be tethered to the SNES, and maybe we could even get better video quality.

- A more convenient way of getting pictures off of the GB camera would be nice too (make the link port think that a USB connection was a gameboy printer, perhaps? Just like the old madcatz thing, but with USB instead of serial (it could even just be an adapter) and current software.) NeX had a USB gameboy camera at one point, IIRC...

These are just things that are on my mind because I love the GB cam, but my mega memory card refuses to play nice with my EMS cart, and I'm stuck with the super gameboy + capture card for saving my photos at the moment.


(211 replies, posted in Trading Post)

_133 wrote:

EDIT: If you people want a script, just ask, and I'll whip one up in a few days. smile

Of course we do!

That looks gorgeous!

tempsoundsolutions wrote:

isnt bifurcation when you split your dick in half? im all over this if so, if not, im all over this.

It's when you split anything in half. Literally "the division of something into two branches or parts."

Moriokun wrote:

Seems like the problem isn't the cartridge designs, it's the lack of collaboration between LSDJ's software and the Cartridge maker.  Seems like LSDJ needs to be written specially for a certain cartridge, Not the cartridge trying to meet LSDJ.

Well, LSDJ is written for a specific cartridge - that is, it's written for any gameboy cartridge with a battery (which is most of them).

Of course there could be LSDJ-specific cartridges or cartridge-specific LSDJs, but that presents three problems. First, it could mean that LSDJ would have to be rewritten, which would be a huge pain in the neck. Second, it would mean that the new version of LSDJ wouldn't run on the EMS/BleepBloop/SmartBoy carts that everyone already has. Third, it would mean that you couldn't run anything other than LSDJ on the cartridge (unless it was also specifically designed for it), which would be disappointing for anyone who wanted to run Carillon/Tetris/Pokemon or anything else. It would basically make LSDJ more nanoloop-ish in design, and I think that the more 'open' seeming separation between hardware and software that LSDJ has is one of the reasons a lot of people prefer it.

nitro2k01 wrote:

But then you would always have to save before turning off, and people would be annoyed. Simply put, it's not how you'd want to do things.

[Edit: I assume you mean you'd have to manually save through LSDJ, not have the cart auto-save when you hit the power switch.]

Personally, I wouldn't have a huge issue with that - it's how every other piece of electronics works. You always have to save the files you're editing on your computer before you turn it off, or the song you're working on in DS10, or any game you're playing... I was really surprised when I first picked up LSDJ and found out I could just turn my gameboy off and not lose all my data. Now, I'm a real n00b when it comes to chipmusic, and I can see how a change would bother people who are more used to the current behaviour than it would bother me, but it does seem like saving before closing is the 'normal' way to do things. If it took a long time to save, it would be a pain I guess - I don't really know how these things work though, so I'm not clear on whether that would be the case.

Of course, not having to save is nicer, but it doesn't seem like a big enough drawback to avoid a design, if it would mean a more reliable cartridge. Although, there are other drawbacks to the EEPROM design as well -- shifting all these saves around sounds fairly kluge-y, and to my uneducated self, seems like a recipe for corrupting your files if anything goes wrong, as well as just taking up more space on the cart (since you need more memory chips). It also doesn't seem clear how changing to this design would make backing up any simpler, but again, I don't know what I'm talking about.

Anyhow, just my $0.02.

These are sweet. Anyone want to make album art I can use in iTunes? wink


(10 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Just spend your whole life playing shufflepuck. God I miss that old SE. Being a toddler probably helped too...


(5 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Apricorn wrote:

its just senorgif but spanish ironic.