(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have been releasing ant1 sids for the last 5 years and can vouch for his ability. 3/3 unfiltered sawtooth waves hands down.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Kool Skull wrote:

in all honest, it think all music should be less about genre, and more about your PERSONAL thing.

That's easy to say, but different styles in music don't exist for the sake of genre cassification much more than different species of animals exist for the sake of biological classification. Of course, it's quite a bit more complex than that, but the point of my analogy is that it can be a PERSONAL thing and still be subject to classification. Genres aren't things that we come up with out of the blue to impose on your work as much as they are existing patterns that we try to identify and define.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

8-Bit-Rex wrote:

I think we all know these kinds of threads never actually go anywhere. They just serve as vessels for arguing about something.

You're saying it like it's a bad thing. Internet forums give you the perfect opportunity to non-intrusively argue about anything for the sake of perspective and opinion exchange. There's a lot more of that to gain from a disagreement than everyone just chiming in harmoniously.

EDIT: This post pairs just perfectly with my avatar.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:

NIce panorama stitching aberrations! XD



(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I don't know, different genres and off-shoots are pretty much a natural phenomenon when it comes to any craft. We just do the lousy job of naming them.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nice dual Amiga rig!


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:

Let me just say that what you guys are talking about goes by a few names... "soundtrack" or "theme" music are good examples. What people usually refer to as "chiptunes as a genre" is not exclusive to chiptune or videogame hardware.

And I know that those arps and patterns can be very complex and you think they are only possible on a tracker, but I'm pretty sure a full orchestra with a clever conductor could play that just as well.

What a clever conductor and his orchestra can play is completely irrelevant in this matter. They could probably play Purple Haze as well, but that doesn't make hard rock any less of a genre.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Somebody PM me when Chip Gospel

Sycamore Drive wrote:

1. Chiptune is NOT a genre, it's a medium for creating music in a range of styles. Stop calling it a genre.

I don't think you should pose that as an undisputed fact. I disagree that it isn't a genre or in many aspects a style of its own. That's not the point though. The point is not to get too anal about it, and maybe to show some respect for those who disagree instead of just playing it off like you know best. It makes it look more like wishful thinking than anything.


(163 replies, posted in General Discussion)

A Versus B wrote:

Nah Akira, I don't like any of the people here who seem only to be active in the community for the purpose of trolling others.

This is interesting coming from the guy who debuted with the probably most hateful and offensive post of the thread.


(163 replies, posted in General Discussion)

half of the artists today are regurgitating the same shit (the same goes for Dubstep or Electro or whateverthefuck)!

If it's just half the artists, maybe you should put some effort into finding the music that doesn't suck. The idea that these crappy artists should stop doing what they are obviously enjoying for the sake of your convenience is kind of stupid. The truth is that you're sick of chipmusic because you are lazy.

For half the price I'll write AMIGA on your computer case. World-wide shipping included.

Downstate wrote:

lol @ 'hardware fags'

Maybe you are just cheating yourself if you are using something you are not comfortable with, but depending on what kind of sounds you intend to create, you might be losing out by not allowing LSDJ to be hard for a while more until you eventually grasp it. I don't think it's a matter of hard/easy as much as they are just different program that facilitate different approaches. As vastly different as these composition environments are, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that the tool you are using is going to be a huge influence on the music you create.

µB wrote:

From what I get from Wikipedia articles (german and english), ring modulation seems to be a simple multiplication function. However, I could imagine that this effect has very individual quirks in analog synths due to the parts involved.

Nerd sidenote #666: The ring mod on the SID is produced by xor:ing the oscillator outputs together smile

shizcake wrote:

from an analog synth's perspective, is the modifier basically a LFO in audio range (with keyboard tracking) patched to pitch

This is close, but there are some practical differences between digital yamaha-style FM (which is basically phase modulation) and the actual frequency modulation you describe. If you were to do actual frequency modulation and wanted consistent timbre over the whole range of notes, you'd have to scale the modulator amplitude according to the carrier frequency. With phase modulation you get this for free since the modulation level is relative to wave length already.

Gonna watch your videos this weekend, Lazerbeat!


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I like turtles