(186 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(32 replies, posted in Sega)

Esopus-dragon: I don't think it's so much about being on the move as it is about it being something to actually discuss that wouldn't fit comfortably in a shared subforum.

As it is now, we only have 8 threads in the "other" subforum, and we are still able too keep interesting discussions without having threads being pushed pages back overnight.


(56 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

I can't try this right now, but is this it? http://www.xs4all.nl/~fgroen/mmp/

I'll have a listen to your song tomorrow!

There is definitely some 4-op FM going on in the tracks, so I'm pretty the sound capabilities were used. The backing seems to be provided by the CX5 (or its sound module) and the drum machines, while leads and some pads sound like DX7 and some analog synthesizer.

I'd love to try to decipher MDX documents, though. I wonder what the X68000s go for in Japan.


(56 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

poke: Thanks for the offer! I'm having second thoughts now that I have the chance, though smile

I'll have to go and plug MuSICA again, here. It ought to work on any machine with 64k of RAM, and it supports the use of SCC, FM-PAC and the internal PSG at the same time. That's a lot of chip flexibility for the <$100 you're going to have to pay for a full setup. The downside for many people is that it's MML, but it's definitely one of the simpler variants, and as far as I know, no tracker does this (SCC+FM+PSG).

Anyway, my tip is to test everything in blueMSX if you don't have it. Almost all hardware (including the Moonsound) mentioned here is emulated (the Franky will soon also be supported).

EDIT: Don't forget that you can also compose music in Vortex Tracker for the MSX!

I haven't tried myself, but I found this: http://support.xmplay.com/article.php?id=38

The CX5 was used extensively on this album: http://www.soundshock.se/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=234, and later on, the SFG sound module was used in an MSX2 to produce this: http://www.soundshock.se/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=172. I have Pulse 1 for reupload, if anyone wants to have a listen (and can suggest a nice place to upload it to).

Besides being a cool concept and looking very Darth Vadery, I don't find the CX5 that interesting. You can certainly get most other MSX computers cheaper (and with more RAM) and use them together with an FM-PAC (more distinct lo-fi FM sound, grea software support) or a Moonsound cartridge (shitload of FM channels + shitload of wave table channels + effect DSP).


(29 replies, posted in Releases)

Cross posting! Heresy!

linde on soundshock.se wrote:

This is really, really good stuff! Although, I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed in your snares (compared to the rest). They could use a bit more tone and punch.


(56 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

Thanks for the tip, poke. A friend of mine is going to the MSX fair in Nijmegen, and I asked him to buy me a music module if he could find them cheap. I have no idea if MuSICA will support it, but I hear there are a bunch of trackers that do anyway. Personally, I enjoyed the difficulties of only being able to work with one custom voice, but I'm not going to pretend that I'm not a hoarder when it comes to hardware smile


(56 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

I have to do some self promotion here, too, since you guys are wondering: http://soundcloud.com/user9420500/linde-datafunk.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You can run MuSICA in an emulator (openMSX) and I'm sure there are quite a few other options if you go by emulators.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I would love to, but it's hard to find any resources in English.

Here's my MuSICa tutorial, btw: http://mixtape.be/stuff/musica.rar. It should get tracker fanatics started with writing MML on the MSX.


(11 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

If nothing else works, it should be a pretty straight-forward processing job. Receives CC events from one MIDI device, stores them in an ArrayList, and then outputs them one by one at a fixed rate (for example once every 5 ms) to another MIDI device


(22 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

You are better of getting things second hand and on your own. If you can score a 1200 for about $50, everything else you need to start making music comfortably can be had for small money and a little tinkering and reading up. For example, instead of getting a hard disk you can get a CF card and an 2.5" IDE adapter for $10, a PCMCIA SD card reader and an SD card for another $10, and if you want to go further from there, you should also try getting a memory expansion second hand. Very few trackers (and games for that matter) benefit from processor expansions, anyway.

I've been getting around very fine with pretty much the setup I just described.


(22 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Two shops I can recommend:

http://www.efunzine.com/ The site is in Polish, so it can be hard to navigate, but if you mail the guy he is very helpful. Everything is pretty cheap!

http://www.ggsdata.se/ Swedish site selling various retro goods among other things.

Yeah, this is great stuff, but I prefer his cover of A.I. Bomb. The artificial echo is brilliant.