hardware audio interpolation

I see no indication that the audio interpolation would be implemented in hardware. It's most likely an ARM SoC running a bunch of emulators, so besides the cartridge slots I'm not that impressed.

Ah, ok. Well, Andersson is the most common surname in Sweden, and Stellan is not an uncommon first name... The soundcloud you link to says it's not that of Dane, so you should still try on csdb.

If he didn't reply to you on Facebook, the message might have ended up in his "Other" inbox. You could try He is active in the C64 scene still.

Alpine wrote:

maybe they are?* Maybe you should give less of a shit?**

* They are

** You should

While we're talking about giving less of a shit, maybe you should refrain from -- seemingly out of frustration at your total lack of actual arguments -- randomly joining discussions just to tell people to give less shit about the matter of hand.

I'm sure Wizwars assumed that the person who he concluded to be a Swede lived in one of the tiny minority of countries where the Berne convention isn't applicable.

I feel like there's a cross-eyed mob gathering to throw rotten tomatoes at me for matter-of-factly pointing something out to Wizwars.

jefftheworld wrote:

In many countries a copyright - which, you're right, is an inherent property of a work - must be registered with a legal body in order to be defensible under the law. A piece a music that you write is your copyright and does not need to be "copyrighted", simply by creating the work you own the copyright to it. However, in many countries without registering that copyright you cannot defend it in court and it is therefor pretty useless.

This is obviously what people mean when they use copyright as a verb, they mean to register a copyright.

Yes, I'm sure people who talk about "copyrighting" are referring to the practice of registering copyright that is required to make it defensible under law in some countries that didn't agree to the Berne convention.

HINT: They aren't.

jefftheworld wrote:

Don't be a pedantic wadface.

Hey, you missed my actual point. I wasn't being a pedantic wadface just to be a pedantic wadface, unlike you.

EDIT: To clarify, while my claim that copyright isn't a verb is arguable on the basis of a few dictionaries recognizing it as such, you can't "copyright" anything. There's no sense in using it as a verb at all. You are still wrong in ever using it as a verb, conceptually if not on a grammatically.

I'm not worried about copyright issues because I doubt anyone bothered to copyright a small looping .mod file

Copyright isn't a verb, and you don't have to do anything for copyright to cover your original work.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Amiga music is not 8-bit in any sense it is defined in the article. Sample data bit depth (what the article calls volume settings, I guess) for each channel is 8 bits, with 6-bit independent volume control, giving a much higher granularity than "256 possible volume settings". Also, the SNES does not play back 16-bit samples.

I think most of the confusion comes from mixing up PC sound card terminology with classic computer hardware technology. In the former, "8-bit" typically refers to the bit depth of the arbitrary sample playback DACs, and in the latter, it's just an allusion to the popular idea of how home computers/video games typically sounded back when they were marketed as "8-bit".

This "high noise" was not line noise anywhere in the CD signal path. If you mean loud crackles and breakups in the signal, those are because data is missing. SInce small irrecoverable chunks of data are not vital to the continuation of the decoding process and audio playback, an audio CD player will accept them and simply continue playing. This does not mean that a substantial part of the data wasn't lost, and a CD with audio encoded data would suffer the same consequences as a plain data CD.

What you could do, though, is to encode a lot of redundant information for the sake of easy reconstruction of lost data. In this case, audio/data CD makes no difference.

What difference does the encoding do in that case? Both "audio" and data CDs store digitally encoded data.


(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

// ==UserScript==
// @id   
// @name           cmo ignorator
// @version        1.0
// @namespace      
// @author         
// @description    
// @include*
// @run-at         document-end
// ==/UserScript==

// bye!!
var users = ["boomlinde"]

function ignorate (elements,users,regex) {
    for (var e = 0; e < elements.length; e++) {
        var ok = false;
        for (var u = 0; u < users.length; u++) {
            var re = new RegExp(regex.replace("__USERNAME__", users[u]));
            if (re.test(elements[e].innerHTML)) {
                ok = true;}}
        if (!ok) elements[e].style.display = "none";}}
ignorate(document.getElementsByClassName("post"),users,'<li class="username">.*?>__USERNAME__</a></li>');
ignorate(document.getElementsByClassName("post"),users,'<div class="quotebox"><cite>__USERNAME__ wrote:</cite>');
ignorate(document.getElementsByClassName("main-item"),users,'<span class="item-starter">by <cite>__USERNAME__</cite>');

untested whitelist version! unlike sandneil's script the list here is a recommendation, not an example.


(15 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I think it's totally reasonable as well to remind people that if you don't need the car-optimized GUI and remote control options of this, there's software available at a third of its price that plays more music formats, categorizes and manages downloads from online music archives. It's not unreasonable to prefer the cheapest option that fulfills your requirements.


(15 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

What does it offer over modizer?


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

animalstyle wrote:

when the Mega Drive came out there was a history of people using PSG type chips before the Mega Drive...

By the time the Mega Drive was released FM was pretty well established on the japanese home computer market (MSX with expansions, X68000, PC-8801, PC-9801, Master System etc). I don't think that a low overall quality could be the result of some sort of particular lack of experience at the time. There has just always been a lot of sucky game music sad

Also, I hear a lot of people saying that FM is hard (not just from breakphase, so the following is not directed at him in particular), which I think is unfair. FM has a history of cumbersome and clunky interfaces, but in tools where everything is properly exposed in good user interfaces (that lend themselves to the type of experimentation you typically couldn't do with yamaha synthesizers), I don't think it's a lot messier or less immediate than subtractive synthesis. I'm not sure what exactly is so hard about it, but I can agree that it gets a bit cumbersome when you have to deal with a lot of operators.

Alpine wrote:

bleepy bloopy electronic music might as well be techno imo.

It might as well be that to you, but don't expect anyone else to take that perspective seriously.

Alpine wrote:

Then could you please explain the point of chipmusic then? If it isn't, in a nutshell, to try and make cool shit with outdated devices, then what is it? Is it just a gimmick? A nostalgia trip?

If you had read what I wrote more carefully, you'd understand that I don't think there is a single agreed "point" of chipmusic. I certainly don't agree with your nutshell rundown here, but I'm sure some people will.

Alpine wrote:

As I said, I thought the point was to use consoles or personal computers, not for their primary purpose, to keep within their limitations, and stretch them to the max, e.g. chibi-tech's stuff.

I think it's a stretch to say that the "primary purpose" of a personal computer or video game system that has a sound chip doesn't include using it to produce sound. For a community that talks so much about stretching technological limitations, I don't actually see it happening a lot here.

Alpine wrote:

Also, I'm not calling module stuff like .xm/.it/.mod/.w/e fake, it runs on limitations, especially if you're keeping to like 16k or something.

Doesn't most music "run on limitations"? Most musical traditions have quite limited accepted practice.

Alpine wrote:

would you rather we call it under produced techno then?

If by techno you mean something that doesn't have anything to do with techno, then yes, that might be an appropriate name

Alpine wrote:

I kinda thought the point of chip was that it was to do with using games consoles/ personal computer's abilities and weaknesses to make songs, not imitating a console. where do we draw the line between chip and techno? currently at fakebit, however, if you have a better name for it, please do say so

I'd say you missed the point if that's what you think it is, but hey, everyone has different reasons for doing things.