Not sure why this is on screw attack, but it's one of my favorites ever for sure:
Cannibal Holocaust in 16 Colors by Peppermint Pony
81 Feb 7, 2011 4:39 pm
Re: [removed] (101 replies, posted in General Discussion)
82 Feb 7, 2011 4:09 pm
Re: Live Heosphoros Stream (32 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Interested in this.
83 Feb 7, 2011 12:52 am
Re: Is 8bc down? (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
84 Feb 6, 2011 2:39 pm
Re: what happened to 8bc (265 replies, posted in General Discussion)
where is girljoy?
i haven't been around for like a month, so i missed out on news etc...
and the internet moves really fast - i looked for her on myspace and she seemed to have vanished without a trace.
i checked my bulletins and everything, no trace.
anyone know anything about this? enlighten me.
85 Feb 6, 2011 12:41 pm
Re: KR046 - KOOL SKULL – EAR SLIME (12 replies, posted in Releases)
booty shakin'
Very good as a release as it stands, so the fact that it's all 1 channel makes it quite phenomenal.
87 Feb 5, 2011 6:15 pm
Re: Emar - FWIW (7 replies, posted in Releases)
Lovely! Fast, high energy, engaging! I'll Be Here was fuckin'-a right tight!
88 Feb 5, 2011 6:11 pm
Re: Andrew Winzenburg - and all the planets and all the stars and- wait... (14 replies, posted in Releases)
you must release your other stuff that never got released aka the stuff aka guitar and vocals aka awesome rd-attempt Maayybe?
I have a lot planned for music, chip and nonchip, but when it will all will happen is tentative and will probably take a while. But I do have 2 or 3 songs and a tentative title for a new breakcore album. The guitar and vocal album had been all previously written and recorded but I want it to undergo some heavy rewriting in all departments before I try doing it again (most of the songs are very short, lyrics are garbage, game boy tracks need to be more full and tight, needs to be less 2009, etc.) Other than that, I've been writing with my band and working on the side towards making a psychedelic folk DVD album release (HOLY FUCK, COULD IT GET MORE CONDESCENDING????)
Basically, my plate is filled with days worth of corn and potatoes, mostly to be eaten by myself. But the fact that there is demand for either of those things by even 1 person is more than inspiring (<3 u both). slowly but surely, hopefully, maybe, probably, ok yeah I'll do it.
EDIT: Also, thank you so much all of you for your kind words, it means a lot to me to finally come back to this and be received with open arms.
89 Feb 4, 2011 7:26 pm
Re: what happened to 8bc (265 replies, posted in General Discussion)
herr_prof wrote:I wish half of these people engaged throughly in 8bc where half as engaged in the rest of the community. Maybe Id know who the fuck they were then. I really want to know who you are, but 8bc has alot going against it in terms of promoting anonymity.
This is kinda reminding me of the last big blackout when I met all my neighbors. Hope we stay in touch!
signed, the first user to upload a file on 8bc,
What do you mean by not promoting anonymity?
You see, 8bc is designed so that when you sign up, your user name looks the same to you, but to everyone else is a randomly generated name, made using this. It is also the same for song uploads. All songs are replaced with a random song selected from a collection of 1 minute songs crafted by following Sabrepulse's LSDJ tutorial.
Because of this, no one know's* who you truly are, and you actually don't know who any one else is or the music they are creating.
*post-post correction: know is
90 Feb 4, 2011 5:59 pm
Re: what happened to 8bc (265 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Good riddance to anyone leaving 8bc because of childish drama. Seriously, it's not hard to ignore it, submit music, and comment on some. That's what 8bc does best. A nice active community. If made a couple of key changes, it could shadow 8bc easily. But not being able to click on an artist name and see their list of music is enough of a reason to never use this site. But hey, at least you can PM someone. -_-
You're input means so much and we appreciate everything you have to say.
EDIT: Ok, that's too many drew pickles.
91 Feb 4, 2011 5:51 pm
Re: [US] NEW YORK NY • 2011 05 19-21 • BLIP FESTIVAL 2011 NYC @ EYEBEAM (603 replies, posted in Past Events)
I do 8bit tuvaan throat singing.
If this was facebook, I would hit the like button.
92 Feb 4, 2011 3:18 pm
Re: what happened to 8bc (265 replies, posted in General Discussion)
They would be more accepting if they didn't just come here to make threads about 8bc?????
Just sayin'.
93 Feb 4, 2011 3:05 pm
Re: [US] NEW YORK NY • 2011 05 19-21 • BLIP FESTIVAL 2011 NYC @ EYEBEAM (603 replies, posted in Past Events)
94 Feb 4, 2011 3:03 pm
Re: Andrew Winzenburg - and all the planets and all the stars and- wait... (14 replies, posted in Releases)
Dont have time to listen the enitre way through but 'Past One O' CLock" and "Psychalgic Emesis" are both white-knuckled, time travelling masterpieces. The phasing in the vrc6? is loverly ))))
VRC6 indeed!
Thank you for the feedback! This is the first straight chip album I've made in a while that I've actually been proud of.
EDIT: If it is in anyone's interest, bigger, smoother album animations can be found here (22.15 MB). I might upload all of the .NSFs at some point, too.
95 Feb 4, 2011 2:22 pm
Re: The NESK-1 (nes synth) (18 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Very cool!
96 Feb 4, 2011 11:55 am
Re: [US] NEW YORK NY • 2011 05 19-21 • BLIP FESTIVAL 2011 NYC @ EYEBEAM (603 replies, posted in Past Events)
I just realized.
No more snow.
This is the end of trench coats.
R.I.P. Blip SS