and tweaking simple sequence over and over and over again to it's perfection
thank Oliver for Nanoloop 1.2, nothing can beat this baby (I really enjoy mutual pulse channel) wink

I realised, that I'm syncing Nanoloop 1.2 to triggers from TR-606, triggers aren't straight in rhythm, so Nanoloop gets some interesting swing. So If I'd like to sync another gameboy this way, TR-606 have to be master and I have to send straight clock from dinsync or second tom trigger to second gameboy, so 4 player adapter is unusefull for me in this case...

Anyway thanks for info.
Modification of 4 player adapter seems easy.



(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It was 10 years ago, we ran a band. My pals said: We'd like to have you in band, you could play bass guitar. I was a guitarist, drummer and keyboardist, but I didn't have any bass guitar. Few weeks before this I took out my Commodore64 I had till my childhood and i tried to make some tunes with it in Music assembler +, only one tracker I had these days on my 5,25 floppy disk. I said to guys: I have no bass guitar, but I'm trying to make music on Commodore64 and they said: that could be interesting. So we ran the band. Today is The day, we have 10th anniversary from our first gig. And today we have a gig and we are publishing our Live album. I still use Commodore64 with that not so good tracker, but what the hell! And than I started to look for some guys doing similar music, got Gameboy DMG from my friend and bought 32M EMS cart with LSDJ. That's how i get to electronic music, vintage synthesizers and chipmusic and here.

Is it usefull for syncing more than two gameboys? with nanoloop, lsdj, nanoloop mono e.g.? two nanoloops to external clock?

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/12481 … -releases/

SurfaceDragon wrote:


Hell yes!

Abdel Halim Hafez - Qareat El Fengan

Skalpel - Skalpel (2004)

You can get Ibanez ES2, It's analog delay with taptempo and nice modulation effect.
But I recomad you to buy some vintage BBD delay (Evans echopet, Monacor EEM, Boss DM100, or Roland DC20) if you don't need small guitar pedal dimensions. These are the best delays I think.
Also I'm really satisfied with Ibanez Soundtank series delays (Ibanez Echo machine EM5, but it's quite rare and expensive, or Ibanez DL5 with modification - doubled time)

Melodies played by lead instrument, which composition is based on.
I call it PWM melodies, because it was well known from Commodore64 demoscene and composers liked to use Pulse Width Modulated pulse wave loooong melodic monophonic structures (backed by arpeggiated harmonic chords).

Starshine wrote:
ryba wrote:

Anything that doesn't sounds like 80' game soundtrack. Oh god, how I hate that PWM melodies.

PWM melodies?

Anything that doesn't sounds like 80' game soundtrack. Oh god, how I hate that PWM melodies.

Or convert GB both channels to mono (I use this mostly)...
I'm interested in your experiences, how do you use pedals.

Great! Nice drums too, btw. Sound like oldschool beatbox preset rhythm machine. I like that this way.


I'm interested how are you using guitar pedals for procesing stereo chiptunes.
Most guitar pedals I have are mono and I'd like to maintain stereo from my gameboy.
Sure, there are some ways to do that, like use aux sends for effects, but not all of effect fits to this way of procesing signal, sometimes you don't want to keep dry signal in the mix ( e.g. when you are using distortion... ).

So, what about your experiences with guitar effects?


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yamaha SU10