(20 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Bit Shifter wrote:



(26 replies, posted in Releases)

see "australia" in a thread --> skip text just look for pictures


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think the use of primitive polygons hasn't been explored to its fullest partially because it's not really something that can be (as of right now) explored on the system, and that's something that has made chip music and other kinds of visuals generally more accessible. I think if a simple modeling/animating program could be created for the PS1 PS1 or N64 that could be an interesting thing.

Stylistically I think it's kind of tough because it seems like you almost need to come with a maximalist approach using this kind of medium, using a more minimal style would make it look more like an old tech demo. I suppose there could be room for some distortion or glitching, but still it's odd. I think part of what makes the old polygons creepy is their depiction of human forms and the whole "uncanny valley" stuff. There would have to be some very specific things you'd need to do to get that same creepiness without using people.

I think it would be really cool to see some videogramo style distorted forms in this kind of format, I guess some of his stuff must be done in 3D, but I don't know his methods at all.

I'd agree with the microkorg comment, but these look pretty legit, what do you use?

"Look it's me!"

trash80 wrote:

dot.AY, that drunk.

Now with more facebook!

seriously this shit is gonna be fucking brutal, if blip/blipflu hasn't killed you, this just might.

Aha, the only os x cart flasher I knew about was the one just called gbcflsh or something which works for bleep bloops and smart cards I think, but can only read files from the EMS cart,

I guess I don't know what I'm talking about.


Don't buy an EMS if you're running os x and don't have a windows virtual or anything. The mac version of the gameboy cart flasher program doesn't work right with EMS carts so you won't be able to flash new versions of whatever program you're using or load up alternate .sav files

There's still the bleep bloops but they're stupid expensive and drama. I'm waiting until the aussie cart to get another one personally.


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

edit: ˨˩˪˫ˬ˭ˮ˴˵˶˷double .̩̅ ̲̲̲̲̲̥̅͆̿̅│̥̥̩̅̿ ̥̅ |̲̲˥̛̩̅̅█post

Las⑈⑂ edited ▍╻╴╜

SKGB wrote:

/me realizes my myspace page is shit lol

updated that shit with your soundcloud

also Dauragon I assume that means I'll see you there

Saturday, June 11th, 2011
7:00pm at Studio 34 - all ages - no alcohol inside!

$8 / $5 with RSVP on Google form: http://tinyurl.com/8staticJune11RSVP

Music by:
Ten Thousand Free Men & Their Families (AUS) http://10kfreemen.com/
Nullsleep (NYC) http://www.nullsleep.com/
SKGB (PHL) http://soundcloud.com/sKgBdub

Visuals by:
NO CARRIER (PHL) http://www.no-carrier.com/

Don’t forget – open mic is every month. Show up at 7pm to sign up and play a song before the main show begins.

Pre-show event: ‘Tools for Exploring NES Audio’ by Patrick Todd
This workshop will be an overview of the tools available for extracting and exploring audio and music in NES games.

For all the info, check out http://8static.com/

Spread the word on facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=202783989766182

any chance for android? :]

I think the sdks for either come with some kind of emulation, but I doubt they can run regular app store/market downloads, because that would essentially be piracy

Sievert wrote:
facundo wrote:

i feel comfortable retiring when this baby pops out knowing that we danced is the second coming of facundo.

The dude threatens to beat the shit out of people in his sleep.  Best.

that's not what he threatened to do to me O.O