lastfuture wrote:

Delek, I suggest you read up on how to package programs for the mac properly in an .app package (I also suggested this after testing the mac beta, perhaps the PM about that got lost)

I readed about that "finder illusion" but if I add everything into the package how a user will be able to add/move/run/edit files such songs/instruments/roms/skins/etc? I done a package only inlcuding the executable and the config.ini but seems useless.

Maybe I'm missing something as this is my first program for Mac and the first time actually using a Mac OS,  a good idea could be that a MacUsr after done the pack send me that packaged version. I will upload it replacing the current release.

Happy new year guys!, and as promised, here is DefleMask 9 with lot of news, MAC OS X build and SID 6581 & 8550 support.

DefleMask 9 NEWS:
Mac OS X Build!
Soundchip Added: MOS Technology SID 6581.
Soundchip Added: MOS Technology SID 8580.
System Added: Commodore 64.
Added sample banks, so the limit of the samples was increased to 144, 12 samples per bank and 12 max bank samples.
Added lot of effects exclusively to the Commodore 64 (Change Wave, Filter Cutoff Reset, Pulse Width, etc).
Added Progressive Duty Cycle Macro to the Commodore 64.
Added Progressive Filter Cutoff-Freq Macro to the Commodore 64.
Added Global Play/Stop Shortcut: Ctrl+Enter, it will play/stop all Opened DefleMask in the OS.
Added Fixed mode to the Arpeggio Macro (very useful for bass and drums in SMS, Game Boy, NES, C64, etc).
Added basic .SID exporting to Commodore 64.
Added control to the special noise mode for SMS in the Noise Macro too (now it have 4 usable values).
Added a Filename display, it will display also if the current module was modified and not saved (Ctrl+S quicksave).
Shortcut added: Ctrl+Up/Down, move between patterns.
Standard Effect Added: E1xy - Note Slide Up.
Standard Effect Added: E2xy - Note Slide Down.
Standard Effect Added: EBxx - Set Samples Bank.
Updated in_vgm to the latest version (RAW PCM Samples in NES, Full PC-Engine Support, and more).
Now vibratos do not cancel Portamentos.
Now Portamentos do not cancel Vibratos.
Now a NOTE-OFF will not cancel arpeggios and other effects, useful with systems that have hardware envelopes.
Now if you click a file on the save file window, you can get that name file.
Fixed the 512kb limit of samples in the NSF exporter, now you can use the full 1MB of samples without problems in NES.
Fixed the phase reset on NES Squares on starting portamentos.
Fixed the Undo/Redo while interpolating/shrinking/expanding.
Fixed a display bug with the Algorithms of FM soundchips.
Fixed the 0Axy effect behavior.
Fixed strange jumps while doing long portamentos down.
Fixed a crash bug regarding to load a new key layout.
Demo Song Added for NEC PC-Engine: jrlepage - The Adventures of Claude Vorilhon
Demo Song Added for SEGA Master System: Ultrasonic Madness - Monday
Many Demo Songs and examples added to Commodore 64.
Some GUI changes to improve the workflow.
Many bugs fixed.
Mac OS X, Linux and Windows builds updated.
Manual Updated.


Yeah, it is an OpenGL related issue. I don't know how to update/install OpenGL drivers under W8 but if you do this Defle will run fine as in W7.

Btw, less than 12hours for DefleMask 9. wiiii

The error.log file appears after the launch? Google OpenGL issues under W8, W8 should be backward compatible with working W7 apps.


(38 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

1 bit cpus already exist and more could be released, so the ambiguity is just right there.


(38 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Cooshinator wrote:

True, but I don't see a problem in calling it "1-bit music" if the song only uses one bit of the 4-bit soundchip's hardware.

There IS a problem, because it is an ambiguous term, "x-bit music" already exist to describe the music done with certain CPU word size (8 bits CPUs, 16 bits CPUs, etc), I think that 1bit-depth music is a better term for this type of stuff.


(38 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Technically speaking, any song using only pulses with constant volumes could be minimized to a 1 bit song...


(38 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Yeah my bad, 16 volumes for each channel and 4bit depth.

So we are calling 8bit music because of the CPU and after calling 1bit music because of the bit depth. This is amazing. SEGA Genesis should be called 14bits music then. tongue


(38 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

So, the GameBoy is a 8bit or 16bit sound machine?
8 bits CPU but 16 volume values for each channel.

But, actually there ARE PSG instruments, software defined envelopes to be precise. The really issue here is that VGMMM do not have proper envelope generators for the PSG (only a forced and crazy mix between the AR/RR/whatever of the YM2612), so, even if you can rip some PSG instruments somewhere, you will never can put that inside VGMMM.

I will code someday a PSG/GB/NES/YM2612/PC-Engine VGMs/ROMs to DMP format (DefleMask Preset), DefleMask have proper PSG instruments with manual defined volume envelopes, arpeggio envelopes, noise envelopes, etc.

Thanks nickmaynard, but I already sent the Alpha to Saskrotch and Lastfuture, according to them DefleMask is working nicely on Mac OS X.
So DefleMask 9 will be officially released on 01/01/13.

Any volunteers to test the pre-release-alpha Mac OS X version?

DefleMask Finally on Mac OS X!

DefleMask 9 with SID and Mac OS X build on 01/01/13!


(3 replies, posted in Sega)

GameGear sound is the Sega Master System's SN76489 with 0x06 register added to achieve simple stereo capabilities.
You could use DefleMask Tracker to make music for the SN76489, an update is coming soon that will include ROM export for Game Gear and stereo expansion for the SN76489.

Google already removed my site from the harmful list, this was because some bots attacked the forum. I cleaned the site, increased the security and Google is no more showing that warning. Sorry for the inconveniences.

Solarbear wrote:

Ah... I can see my ignorance on this topic is showing. I was under the assumption that that was the file extension for a sega md/genesis.

No matter!

So, uh, just disregard that.

VGM is a general format for playback soundchip music, it support dozen of them. And DefleMask can export VGMs since version 3.5!!

Jansaw wrote:

Delek you should try and hire someone out to make the mac build for you.
There's a great demand for it!!

I only need a Virtual Box VDI image with XCode installed, I have Mac OS X Lion running but I can't install XCode. Any Mac volunteers?