Please click in "This is not a harmful site", was added to the black list of some browsers thanks to some stupid hacker bots.
I asked Google to review and analyze my site, it should be clean now, the forum have a vulnerability and when a new bot registers they can inject bad code.
I tried to block the attacks but I failed, so I done this in the easy way, I changed the registration into the forum and now it requires my confirmation.

Solarbear wrote:

Can't wait to .vgm!!!


My site should be finally clean!, stupid hackers.

Btw, I'm adding Commodore 64 to DefleMask, it is going very nice so far.

I'm trying and trying to build DefleMask for Mac OS X, but xCode don't want to be installed on my VM, I get an error and it ask me to contact the manufacturer on the installer. Piece of shit. :S

With Famitracker you could export the ASM code of player+music, DefleMask will include ASM export in the next update too. Using MML for NES music is a waste of time right now.

Curiosity, why do you use MML rather than the NES trackers with Macros/Envelopes?

Some guy attacked me using the comments section of the site. I removed that section to avoid this type of attacks.

It should be fixed now.

I know that lot of people are using custom skins for Defle, however, nobody wants to share them appears like.

There's a thread here in to share DefleMask's Skins, but nobody posted anything yet.


XCode 4.3.2 is the latest one that will run on my Lion, I'm downloading it but it will take ages to download. It is incredible that Apple decided to provide this "toolbox" all packaged together in a monstrous file.

Lion 10.7.3, and I'm downloading XCode 4.3.2.

Well, I'm getting mad trying to find a way to download XCode in my Mac OS X Lion, the latest version in the App Store is no more compatible with my OS, so I'm downloading an older version from, but it size is of 1.9GB!!, why Apple guys are so crazy?, I only need the GCC compiler, it should not be more than 1mb in HD, fuck that iOS/iPhone shit included with XCode, I need to build a pure C app only. Any ideas Mac Guys?

This can be a very nice project, but do you have something coded already CountSymphony?, sorry if I sound blunt but I recommend you to start coding it rather than concentrate in a name or UI help, those are the latest details that you will affront in the edges of the project, and the first code stage will determine the next stages a lot.

You should done a very minimal app first, with a very minimal UI, maybe a YM2612 note trigger will do the job. Only to build a base where you can start.

I can help you with information regarding to Texas Instruments SN76489, YAMAHA YM2612, M68000 asm, Z80 asm and of course, with the integration of this software with a Computer program.
Only send me a PM.

The Silph Scope wrote:

The latter.

What a waste of softwares. Fortunately there are only a few people only closed to the open.

thebitman wrote:

Fun fact - most of the Sonic the Hedgehog hacking community does this not because tools don't exist, but because almost everyone is stupid and elitist. It's painful to watch, I used to do music this way. If you haven't pushed Deflemask at, you should. They need to "see the light."

LOL. I do not have an user there, if you have one could you please make the thread?. I'm on my mobile right now.

So what do you use to make Genesis music, Silph Scope?, all the trackers for SEGA Genesis are closed source, do you code Z80/M68000 directly to make your music? Or you simply don't make Genesis tracks because there's no Open Source program?