(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yeah, i've left dise voicemails, and text messages. i wish that he's ok, and that if he is, and happens to read this, for him to realize that i don't think anyone's pissed at him - but we are all definitely worried and anxious to hear back from him.

all three of these are fucking solid.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

1 mixer, 1 hardware component of choice (gameboy, iphone, ipod, laptop, etc), 1 turntable?

drinking has a chiptune problem

coincidence? i think not! http://www.craftbeer.com/pages/news-and … -beer-week

awesome web design - downloading the three releases now!


(64 replies, posted in Trading Post)

here is what i'd want:

pink gameboy pocket, link cable, henry homesweet album.

here is a picture of a cat:

oh, that's not a cat at all

place your bets:  will the pommes frites booze blend be unleashed during my set?

double or nothing on "in more ways than you can imagine"

the link says it's on minusbaby.com, so i'm assuming it's rich! that, plus it looks like his doing

jake, between this artwork and the one you did for my album.. i almost feel bad saying STFUDIXLS

ALMOST heart

In order to prep y'all up for Sunday's show, Cheese'N'Beer have released Cream in all Moustache's new album "Dark Side of the Loop".
http://cheesenbeer.info/post/3346197270 … ide-of-the

http://cheesenbeer.bandcamp.com/album/d … f-the-loop

In June 2010, Cheese'N'Beer released their fourth release "Cheese EP // Beer EP" along with a week long tour featuring Cream in all Moustache (alongside Je Deviens DJ En 3 Jours and Zombectro). It is now February of 2011, and we are proud to release his follow up EP titled "Dark Side of the Loop". Stretching soundwaves in Nanoloop 2.3, Cream in all Moustache strives to make a little GameBoy cartridge sound as far as possible from what it actually is. We hope you enjoy his seven fresh audio tracks, and once you're done - have a Zombectro remix for dessert!

FREE streaming/Pay what you wish download:  http://cheesenbeer.bandcamp.com/album/d … f-the-loop


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

10k, all you really need is the sick pleasure/code of honor split lp and a skateboard

here's the lp, you'll have to get your own skateboard:  http://www.mediafire.com/?40y14btboij


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

gizmo wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

Being a chip producer is loads easier to produce art than holding a band together or even putting money into painting or other items.

Yah, but when was the last itme you got laid for the playing the gameboy? wink

january 29, 2011


(28 replies, posted in Releases)

downloading now. i fucking love this shit.

thanks kevin - and agreed, mike pumped out a serious jam for this. so grateful for everyone contributing to this - wouldn't have been as awesome without you guys heart