shit i guess im too late

i mean, if you are in the milwaukee area, get in your car and drive to o'so brewery, central waters, new glarus or dave's brewfarm.. if i was anywhere in the vicinity to those i'd think this beer was awful too haha

you can order it at it's $8 a 4pack or something like that. i also recommend any and all surly beers, especially furious and coffee bender.


otherwise, next time you are in the kansas area on tour or something pick it the fuck up.

everything about this beer is awesome. i know some of you will say "oh man, that artwork is horrendous, they're trying to capitalize off of something i love". to you, i say "shut the fuck up, buy a 4-pack and enjoy this citrusy/floral delight". also, we are so cool that beer companies are marketing towards us.

if it comes with a switchblade, buy it.


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

i'm looking into purchasing a folding table, any idea where i can get some information on that?

damn, that shit is nice

i am a day laborer for a general contractor. it's been slow lately, which sucks, but seems to have picked up this week. i also have a kid and wife, so have somewhat of a "family life". i got into beer trading early this year and have been enjoying a beer a day (sometimes more) from every region of this country. oh, and i make my own beer - and have a pretty solid plan ready to start a brewery with a friend of mine.

i thought the last word in the title was titties. then i clicked on the link and every single song played at once and my brain melted. way to destroy my life mike.

Zombectro takes you into the inner depths of fear and space in this musical experiment titled Astronausiphobia. Catchy melodies, heavy breakdowns, poppy yet metal as fuck - this release has it all.

Zombectro is half dead and half robot and is not Robocop. Astronausiphobia is the fear of being sick on a space trip. Zombectro's Astronausiphobia is Cheese'N'Beer's 10th release.

Full Tracklisting:

Skip Me I'm The Intro
Horse Smoke
Hyper Blaster (feat. J+1)
Macabre (feat. JDDJ3J)
Polaroïd Escape
Baikonur Swimming Pool


(67 replies, posted in Releases)

s'about god damn fucking time.

cream in all moustache
je mapelle
kris keyser
ay riderz

as a side note, it would be awesome to attend this year. i really hope i actually can.

i thought this was a fucking trading post


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

punch out kind of sounds like travelled back in time to 2003 and stole bit shifter's cart. i dig. (not the thievery of his carts, but the song)


DaPantz wrote:

I'm so fucking excited to check this one out.

i want to see nigel in a diaper covered in honey swatting at bees