I am highly looking forward to this smile

Aly James wrote:

I am indeed planning OSX support for ALL my VST next year smile
Things are moving slow but things are moving ahaha


(7 replies, posted in Past Events)

Photos are up smile

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set … amp;type=1


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

Yup! Booking flights next week i think smile smile smile

pselodux wrote:
Shirobon wrote:

ahh thanks dude! Tokyo was super fun, i actually started writing this album as soon as i got back big_smile

Did I read something about you possibly going again this year? I am, so I guess I'll see you at ninja again if you are!


(7 replies, posted in Past Events)

See you tonight people! big_smile


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

ahh thanks dude! Tokyo was super fun, i actually started writing this album as soon as i got back big_smile


(7 replies, posted in Past Events)

1 more day!

Set times:

Doors 7

Protodome 8

Henry Homesweet - 8 45

Sabrepulse - 9 30

Chipzel - 10 15

Shirobon - 11


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

Thanks guys! big_smile

haha big_smile

Yeah, everything synth on ebay is way too high sad


(14 replies, posted in Releases)


I've just release my new album 'Infinity'!


Most of of this was written using LSDJ then recorded in and produced further!

Thanks for listening! smile


I'm looking to buy an FB-01 and Ebay synth buying is always way over priced... anyone on here happen to have one they want to send my way? Feel free to message me with prices you want!

Cheers, Mikey


(7 replies, posted in Past Events)

Venue closes at 12 sadly sad

But all of us will most likely migrate to a nearby bar after smile If this one is a success i'll look into afterpartys for sure!


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

My new album 'Infinity' will be out on the 14th! Really excited to get this out in the open ^^

https://soundcloud.com/hyperwave-record … april-14th


(7 replies, posted in Past Events)

Hello everyone,

I am excited to announce the Hyperwave launch!

LIVE PERFORMANCES BY: Shirobon, Sabrepulse, Chipzel, Henry Homesweet + Protodome


GLITCH ART BY: Georgia Vintner

LOCATION: Cafe 1001, 91 Brick Lane, London, E1 6QL


TIMES: 7pm - Midnight

See you there!!



(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Right now it is..

Fearofdark - Motorway
Protodome - Chipfunk
Sabrepulse - Turbo City
She - Electric Girl
Chibi-Teck - MoeNES vol.1

And many many more! Too many to name... smile


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

I for one can say that i'm very excited for this project :-)