(6 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

Single best board for bending. Like you said, almost EVERY single connection you can finagle yields something worthwhile.

Not too sure about adding MIDI; I'm not that pro.  A decent workaround is to use sidechaining to keep bent modules quantized in real time.


(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Besides the obvious 8bitpeoples releases, I'm surprised I didn't see anyone mention AFX's Melodies from Mars.  While somewhat 'mainstream', that release is solely responsible for my friends getting into making wonky, degraded-quality demo-music.

After hearing that we literally sat around for months recording old BGM into Acid and rendering it down to CDs for later listening/sampling.  At this point we had no idea any type of 'community' existed.  It took plodding around on myspace to realize that. ha.

nordloef wrote:

I made a few tracks in boyscout ages ago. Its a pretty nice tracker.

The only bummer is the way it exports to wav.  Seems like you're better off just recording the output if you want to resample your own creations.

Here's a really straight-forward tracker that I fell in love with years ago.
I haven't seen much about it online; figured I would share with CM:



(5 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Get two alligator clamps,  attach one to the 'positive' contact and one to the 'negative'.
Start poking around in there until something lights up.


(186 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lots of different stuff.  Premium profile just expired a few days ago and I'm slacking on renewal... so some songs are missing:


I do a lot of circuit bending / break-heavy / dirty-electro influenced chipstuff. A lot of the older chip-music I was doing a few years ago isn't on my page (I'm gearing up for an electro-funk release) but there are at least a few songs that might fit what you're looking for:


Litle Bits,  cCurrent cCycles and Dielynol Earsneer are the more tracker-influenced songs.