First of all, are you there's no CD drive? It's supposed to be on the right side - if not, you'd see a hole where the drive was.

As for getting this thing to boot. The way I usually get this kind of computer to boot is by putting files externally on the HDD, and booting off of that, no reliance on floppies or CDs.

You have two options for this:
1) Get a USB to IDE caddy, and plug in the HDD into it.
2) Get a CF card and a CF to IDE adapter. This lets you use a CD memory card as a HDD. This will often make it boot faster, and be more quiet. (Unless you have nostalgia attached to the clicking HDD noise. smile ) This also make it easy to read the card with a standard memory card reader for transferring files in and out.

From there, there are few details but you need to for example attach the drive to a virtual machine, or image it somehow to the same effect. Then boot a DOS boot disk and do a command like "sys a:". Copy the install.exe and the win98 folder from the Win98 CD to the CF card. With any luck, it should now be possible to insert the CF card, through the HDD adapter, to the laptop and boot it. Now you should be able to type install to start the installation.

There are some details I'm glossing over, and I would love to try to help you get it running.


(5 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

That probably means their inbox is full and they need to delete a few messages.

There's a million ways to skin a cat etc, but one good way is with looped waveforms. Go into the sample editor. Click create. The standard settings should be good. Use the pen tool to draw something specific like a square wave or a sawtooth wave. Or something random. Then use effect commands. You may also want to add some drum samples for variety. Also look into adding effects, both as insert and send.

Depending on what you want to achieve, there are a lot of tools you could try.
Famitracker for a NES.
MilkyTracker for mods, ie Amiga/DOS style sound. This is what Renoise was loosely based on originally.
Deflemask or Furnace which are multi system trackers.

And yes, it's a different way of thinking, which comes from a place of using constrained resources efficiently, as opposed to just adding one more channel as you could in a modern DAW.

Today I was reached by the sad news that Anthony Bradshaw, better known in these circles by their nickname Nonfinite has passed away unexpectedly on June 26 this year. Anthony was one of the OG's from the 8bc era, who was known both for creating innovative modding products for the chipmusic scene in the infancy of Gameboy modding products, as well as being a talented musician. From what little I saw of their personal life, Anthony was a spiritual person with a sense of justice, who wanted to impart greatness onto the world in whatever small ways they could. Anthony influenced the lives of many, both individually and in terms of what they did for the chip music scene, and will be missed by many. … ny-schmitt


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Yes, there are a few extra hoops you would need to jump. The SGB depends on the code running on the SNES to start the CPU, as well as the SNES for generating a clock signal. Actually, it's a little dance back and forth. The hardware interface for this is described here: … pergameboy

You need to either activate the GB CPU using port 6003 as described in the link, or tie the reset line for the GB CPU high to allow it to run. However, tying the reset line high also makes it impossible to use that SGB as a regular SGB, because it relies on the software being able to reset the CPU.

SGB1 relies on the SNES's clock to generate a CPU clock for the GB CPU. SGB2 has its own clock crystal, but the same 6003 register has a speed setting which may be set wrong on startup, with no SGB firmware to set it correctly. You could possibly disconnect the clock lines from the ICD2 chip and use a clock crystal donated from a DMG instead. Such a mod has been done previously to restore the correct CPU speed and sound pitch so it's probably documented somewhere online.

Another little wrinkle is that the boot ROM of the SGB CPU, unlike the DMG CPU and all others, doesn't check the if the ROM header is valid. On the SGB CPU, the ROM header is instead transferred to the SNES side and validated there. So if you make your own software, it should probably do some validation so it doesn't crash. Especially important if's handling any kind of save data.

Another thing to consider, how would you get input to the SGB? You would need even more modding if you wanted to add buttons. You could do something like an internal Arduinoboy mod for receiving MIDI though.

Is it all worth it? You decide.


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

glomag wrote:

Sorry about the artist name on the front. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What? Clean it off! Clean it off! … watch.html

(And btw, that post was probably a joke, and that probably wasn't a real Miyamoto signature.)


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

The chip you're looking for is the one marked SYS-SGB on the chip. The smaller boot ROM is situated inside the CPU chip and can't be replaced. It should be as simple as looking at the schematic on the GB Dev wiki (run by me btw!) and...
- Follow all the "SA" signals to the corresponding "A" signal on the EEPROM.
- Follow all "SD" signals to the corresponding "D" signals on the EEPROM.
- Connect "/RCS" to "/CE" or "/CS" on the EEPROM.
- Connect "/ROE" to "/OE" or "/RD" on the EEPROM.
- Connect any "/WR" pin on the EEPROM to +5V.
- Connect gnd/power.
- Connect any unused address pins to ground.

I say simple, but this would be very tedious work, especially if it's the first time you're doing something like it. Here's a potentially better idea. Use PinoBatch's Border Crossing to set the border/palette and do a cartridge swap. You'd need to add the graphics in question to the Border Crossing ROM somehow, but might still be easier than swapping the ROM, and maybe more importantly, doesn't have the risk of destroying a perfectly good Super Gameboy.

I made a ROM for making EZ Flash Jr work on SGB. (Hey, second self name drop in this post.) It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to add support for setting the SGB border/palette from that if anyone is interested.

irrlichtproject wrote:

Crap, looks like the entire domain is hijacked. Someone page little-scale about it pls.

Just did.

One can only hope... but I think that train has left the station. The closest will probably come is Discord servers which, while lacking the organization of a forum, can be more tight-knit and personal communities than that social media craziness that you speak of.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

There's the ASM Xmas Card that I helped develop, which contains 7 tracks by nordloef. Because of this thread, I've decided to release a version of the full version, which contains all 7 tracks, To access the 3 extra songs from the 2012 release, which are an easter egg in this release, enter the Konami code (U, U, D, D, L, R, L, R, B, A) at the title screen.

Yeah, it's possible. Nanoloop Mono work on this principle. IATM made a cartridge with a YMZ284 expansion, and I made a cartridge with a YM2413. Although neither of the latter two are fully working, or really public projects, but that has more to do with the digital side of things.

New in BGB 1.5.10 (2022-10-18)

  • Added experimental Xaudio2 support

  • Improved performance of VRAM viewer

  • Added support for "correct" order MMM01

  • Wine fixes: no graphics on some setups. font related fixes.

  • Many accuracy improvements

  • Fixed many bugs

BGB homepage


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It's common nowadays for DMG LCD retrofit kits (from various manufacturers) to come with a replacement PCB. If nothing else, almost out of necessity. Examples are RIPS, Funny-playing's IPS kit. The last link is a comparison between different kits to help you make an informed decision. … 9947761725


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The official EMS software tends to not work on newer versions of Windows because the drivers for the cartridge is not signed. Try to see if ems-qart works.

Aye, big up rudebwoy.


(2 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Hi. As far as I know, no one in the mod team has deleted any of your songs, and there's no reason they should randomly disappear. Are you absolutely sure you didn't delete them yourself?