Send the (apparently blank) savs to me, bitsh!

[my nick]

Theory: The sav was already somehow corrupted because you turned off the 'boy in the wrong moment. Then both the emulator and LSDj running on the 'boy agreed to blank the sav.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Higher value resistor = slightly dimmer light, but slightly lower power consumption.


(105 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Awol wrote:
nitro2k01 wrote:

Mortimer T - Agima Blues


Uh-huh., as linked above.


(105 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I don't really have any intention of selling any of these, (except maybe one or two of the Noise Vinyls) but I can at least showcase my humble wax collection. smile

"Noise vinyl" locked loop collection. Contains a loop contributed by me.

Quarta330 - Sunset Dub / Kode9 - Samurai (Quarta 330 Remix). Should need no introduction.

Rebel Pet Set/Bleepstreet, Covox, Final Mission EP. Classic covox stuff. Oh yeah, baby!

Rebel Pet Set/Bleepstreet, Covox, Final Mission EP (Opposite side of the cover.)

Flogsta Danshall, Pavan. Not actually sure what this is anymore, but probably something lo-fi.

Pale Fox Records, Firebrand Boy. A) Orange/ B) Three Mile Wish. IIRC, one side is a LSDj track and the other side is a an electro/guitar track or something like that.

Pale Fox Records, Firebrand Boy (Opposite side of the cover.) Orlingo - One Time Too Much. I also have the three releases from Backseat Recordings These are actually not chip at all, but more like dnb/jungle/jazz/funk.

Mortimer T - Agima Blues Willbe - Monsieur B


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

jefftheworld wrote:

I've always wondered how hard it would be to take a DMG casing, make a mold and then cast it out of aluminium or something. I might give it a try some day, I've done work like that on smaller items. Wonder how well or poorly that would work.

I imagine that making a mold of the external looks of a DMG wouldn't be too difficult. The problem is the inside and making two pieces that can fit together. I'm also not too sure that you can cast aluminum with such precision without professional equipment.


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

No thanks, I prefer the real thing!


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I PM'd SurfaceDragon...

calmdownkidder wrote:

If you have Firefox, get the extension - it's crucial!

I would've actually recommended it, if it wasn't for the fact that I've only had a bad experience with it. Heavily increased CPU usage and bugs. tongue

tempsoundsolutions wrote:

thats awewsome man! how do you save vids off there? i want to get memorial day 2000 off there, i have it on vhs but i lost my digital rip of it.

If it's in your own account, they offer a download link. Otherwise I recommend

So apparently, Googl Video shuts down in a couple of weeks, so I saved the videos I have there and uploaded them to YouTube.

One hour Atari gig by Crazy Q from 2008.

Rare footage of me from 2005.

I'll see if I can find the original files later, to get a little better quality.


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Why not go for the more modern ArduinoBoy?


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

SurfaceDragon: If you have something that's not available on my file hub, feel free to hook me up with it.


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

2PLAYER wrote:

Is it really that hard to wire a link cable to a ps2 keyboard? It is a great introduction to soldering and modding. Plus if you want to mod your gameboy later on you can save a few bucks rather than paying someone to do it for you. IMO just useful knowledge to have

Well, yes, a little. Normally, the link cable doesn't carry the extra +5V line. You have ta open up the link cable connector and swap a pin.

See: … 967984405/

This is difficult to do on some of the cheaper link cables since it's hard to do without wrecking the pin.

That's also why that adapter can't work well. There is no power supply line in the unmodified link cables. (And you're supposed to be able to use an unmodified link cable...)

However, if anyone actually has one of these adapters and have a success story, feel free to tell me.


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That adapter wont work, or it will work badly. Don't bother.

Besides, it's sold out.


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Try this:
You also need to buy a LSDj license from (Costs $2)

I'm also going to move this thread to the right section.


(82 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well, here's some sort of really old news on this. Months ago Rolf sent me the Eagle files for the project, after which I started to reroute the whole thing. I basically got stuck after rerouting the RAM chip between the CPU and the cartridge slot. Even though it took a dirty trick of rearranging the address lines a bit (which doesn't affect the functionality in the slightest) I'm pretty proud of how much space I managed to save. I even managed to get back the ground copper plate on the back (which connects to the "arm" on the display board).

Right now, I'm stalled too, however.

