litch wrote:
Is this the same Jose?

It is!

The actual function of the testis to check every byte of the ROM to ensure that there no bytes have been corrupted. It will keep doing this forever. The MBC5 test was just tacked on the existing test ROM and is a one time check of how the cartridge mapper reacts to writing 0 to the ROM bank selection register.

Really weird issue though.

bitwise: Just to be sure, did you also let the test run for at least one iteration to see if there was any problem detected with the ROM integrity?

I did what's called a pro gamer move and asked them directly. They answered almost immediately and simply said "Stylophone!". I asked for more details and maybe I will get another reply. However, based on further research, it seems like it's a clone version that is described on this page based on how the underside and battery cover in the video looks:

Like I said though, they are almost always defective in some way, mostly the filter. So keep that in mind.

To be the bearer of bad news, they are indeed almost certainly fake or at least remarked. As documented by Kevtris back in 2008, that specific date code was known to be sold by the same seller that sold him fakes. It's otherwise a good read on the topic. If you wipe the chip with acetone, the top layer will likely come off and reveal a 6581 chip. The "fakes" are not actually fake, but rebranded SID chips that are real but defective. Typically it's the filter that goes while the oscillators are still working.

I'm kind of torn on the issue morally speaking. Imo, it would be a waste of rare SID chips to throw away something that's almost working. Individually testing them and selling them with an honest description of any defects might be an option, but on the other hand that wouldn't stop the next person from passing them on as 100% working and making a big profit. Using them in a personal project might be an option instead, or maybe contacting Look Mum No Computer and suggest the idea of a mega SID machine consisting of only fake SIDs.

I believe the main issue with early GBC CPUs is with the length timer function. In LSDj that's the LEN setting in the instrument view. In asm, that's bit 6 of the NRx4 group of registers. If you activate that function at any point for a channel, and then write to the pitch register, there's a risk that the channel stops playing, as if the length timer expired. This is especially obvious during vibrato and other pitch effects that change the pitch often. I think if you never activate the length function you should be fine.

5th voice and GBVideoPlayer2 are not relying on hardware bugs per se, but on the correct implementation of DC offsets as well as fast/correctly timed sampling of register changes. DC offsets were sometimes not considered important among emulator authors because it requires precise hardware research, but the only benefit an emulator would get (before these tricks were invented) is that the little clicks when a channel starts playing or when settings are changed sound correct. Correct sampling of register changes means that the emulator would have to emulate aspects of the audio emulation at higher sample rates than the audio output. (Essentially 1 MHz vs the usual 44.1 kHz) It would, again, be a lot of effort for essentially no benefit before these tricks were invented. Which is way it wasn't really done in emulators until the era of accurate emulation that started about 10 years ago.But there's nothing to suggest that those things would be more likely to be incorrect on a hardware clone.

If you want to discuss GB audio programming, feel free to shoot me a message.

That sounds like version differences in LSDj. LSDj recently overhauled its vibrato/pitch bend code among other things.

R1, R2 are wrong value (about 10x too high value). R5 is also wrong value (about 10x too low value). I can't see R7 so can't confirm the value of it.

jefftheworld wrote:

This site is probably small enough to fly under the radar, but technically it's a requirement that citizens of EU states are able to delete or request deletion of their data.

That is an EU law. is owned and operated by Tim, who's in the US. Big corporations and news sites have to care about GDPR because they either have local offices in the EU, or rely on advertising shown by ad agencies in the EU. But it would be difficult to motivate why a 100% US run site would have to abide by EU laws, when it doesn't have any business (as in local branches or money exchanging hands) anywhere in the EU.

However, the policy to not delete accounts on CM.O of course has nothing to do with mining data for profit, but is there to preserve useful information and history about the chip scene. It came about as a reaction to 8bc at the time, where users with in some case thousands of posts asked to have their accounts deleted, which created a large loss of information.

I've discussed this privately with hermit, and we've reached a solution.

New in BGB 1.5.8 (2020-03-17)

  • Added mode where RTC stays at real time.

  • Accuracy improvements.

  • Improved speedrun mode.

  • Fixed graphics not showing on some wine setups.

  • Improved fullscreen pageflipped mode.

  • Improvements to debugger.

  • Fixed many bugs.

BGB homepage


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have it on good authority that LSDj was called FuckTracker before it was released publicly.

.exe wrote:

How do you use the recovery save state? My computer crashed while using LSDj and I lost my song. Too late now but I'd like it to not happen again.

This sounds curious. The save file is automatically written to disk about every 4th minute (or every 256 seconds to be exact). What exactly do you mean by crash? A bluescreen, or something less serious? Or only BGB crashing?

If you just load the ROM again immediately after the crash, you should with a high chance return to almost where you were without doing anything else.

The recovery save state is something different. It's a one-shot feature that protects against accidentally closing BGB or quickloading a savestate. The recovery save state is NOT saved periodically or if your computer crashes, however. If you loaded bgbrecovery.sna after a crash, chances are that you've overwritten your save data with old data from when you last closed BGB normally.

If you can send me bgbrecovery.sna as well as your sav file I can take a look to see if there's anything that can be recovered. My e-mail is my username followed by

Try using the latest version of the LSDPatcher. Older versions didn't fix the ROM checksum but newer versions do.

FamiTracker? It ticks both boxes. Authentic (produces modules that can play back on a real NES) and libre (GPL). But it's of course a chip tracker with the limitations of the NES sound circuit, and not a generic sample based tracker so maybe not what you want.


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The downside with lsdpack is that the files can become pretty enormous, to the point that a 1 MB ROM might fit just one song.