little-scale wrote:

Not sure if this has been suggested, but using the GB processor for real time audio effects of incoming audio.

Would be fairly difficult/impossible without external components (in particular a DAC.) I do have some ideas about that though...


(135 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Nope. Maybe a whisperer or something, but definitely not a screamer.


(135 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Week 2's project is out. … stery-rom/

It's a mystery ROM. See if you can figure it out.

My guess is that the data line of the link cable is broken. Either red or orange wire if you're using an official link cable, otherwise probably completely different. Or "pin 1" on the arduino, using the AB schematic.

You can really do fakebit with any softsynth by changing the oscillator to a plain square, (or triangle, or heaven forbid, sawtooth), turning off the filter, or turning off the cutoff to max with no resonance of course. Of course there are other variations and if you're doing fakebit, you don't strictly have to restrict yourself anyway. Doing this will not sound as "dirty" as say a Gameboy because a Gameboy has other artifacts like DC offsets that create various clicks and a 16 step volume envelope.

If you're actually using Reason (and not stuck with Reason 5.0 for "unspecified reasons", *cough* *cough*) I recommend you check out the rack extension PX7, which is Prop's own DX7 emulator. I'm sure you could make it do some more simpler FM sounds that could fit into a fakebit context. Maybe add some bitcrushing to that (Scream 4 in the "digital" mode, low damage control and adjust parameters P1 and P2 to taste.)

There's currently only one software that can flash this cartridge. ->
You can try and use it with the EMS Transferer II, but I doubt it will work. That is not to say that the Transferer can't possibly be used to flash this cartridge, (and no saying it necessarily can) just that there's no suitable software atm.

Thanks for the offer. I have a cartridge already, though, and if all goes to plan I'll get a Bung Xchanger tomorrow as well. Next up is some scoping.

Well, since you mentioned it. I don't currently have a way of flashing these, but n a few days I will receive a device that eventually might allow me to reverse engineer the protocol that this cartridge is using to access the flash so I can write to flash. It may take a while still, but a solution might be on its way.

The Silph Scope wrote:

I've tried but haven't made much progress into it, but you should make an engine to make visual novels for the Game Boy.

You mean to design them on the console, or just a viewer?

Don't use no$gmb. Use BGB.


(135 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I’m hereby announcing 2013 as the “one Gameboy project per week” year. This an idea I came up with during a discussion with Seb (little-scale) where I jokingly suggested it as an alternative to the usual “one song per week” type challenges. So, my challenge is to try to do some kind of Gameboy-related project each week. Some of them will be more practically useful projects, like music/noise making ROMs, while others, like this week, will be research projects that I’m doing out of my own curiosity. This week’s project was actually meant to be a different project, but I postponed doing it, and had to settle for a smaller project to have a finished project at the end of the week. (Off to a bad start already. tongue )
There's a big risk this whole project will fail somewhere along the way. If not for lack of motivation (most likely) then because of lack of ideas.

Week 1: More than four shades of green
Week 2: Mystery ROM
Week 3: A simple MIDI ROM
Week 4: A test/”welcome” ROM
Week 5: LittleFM 0.5 (finally) released
Week 6: Can I have an A-MEN?
Week 7: A ROM for showing custom graphics
Week 8: The white Nintendo Power official flash cartridge, a tale of reverse engineering, sweat and tears
Week 9: The EMS cartridges: Something old and something new. Something black and something blue. And how sloppy cartridge design affects you.
Week 10: Wall of text yet to be released. See last post in thread for ROM download.

Week X: Noisewave: noise manipulation ROM

Inventive ideas are still welcome here: … srequests/


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Imo, the market for netlabels is saturated, and the concept is perhaps a bit outdated. aybe 10 years ago, netlabels were this hot new thing. Nowadays there are too many netlabels already, and it's super easy to self release on Bandcamp for example. For example, as a telltale sign of the times we're in: … 4559800052

If you're going to start a new netlabel, make sure you have a few good friends who can release filler albums, of good enough quality, if needed.


(40 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Timbob wrote:
Victory Road wrote:

he's member #1205 apparently. i'm like #3000 and something and i joined over a year ago :v

We've got numbers over here?
Never knew that...

Yup. Numbers are people too.

Anyway, Flit, try again now. I've tweaked the values a bit.

Make it directly interface LSDj/Nanoloop. If it's the ultimate sync solution, what's the sense in requiring another device to sync a Gameboy? That would need some level shifting to +5V signal levelling though. (Same for sync24, and even MIDI if you want to adhere very strictly to the standard.)

However, I think if you wanted something that is mostly a "sync hub" I think it would be more sensible to use an 8-bit microcontroller instead of an RPi. The key point is to have a lot of hardware UART.

Try now...
I don't have any iDevice, so I can't confirm that it works, but it should.

Note to self, pitched sampled audio using CH3 and timer for reload.