The general rule is breadbox = 6581, C64c = 8580, although this is not always true, because there was probably a transition period where Commodore put one type of mo-bo in the other type of case. And sometimes some people probably swapped the mo-bos for some reason. I was going to say that you could look in through the cassette port and determine where the SID chip is located. (Different SID chip = different location.) But then I found this: … sid-model/
There are some really easy tell-tale sign for each mo-bo.


(12 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

Is three-pole 1/4" ever used for stereo in other than for headphones? (I mean things like mixer or sound card inputs.) I was under the impression that each cable only ever carries a mono signal, and that three-pole is used only for carrying balanced signals.

Ok, I'm entering science mode again. You will always get some noise from the headphone output. That's just to be expected, and why people prosound their boys in the first place. Newer versions of LSDj also don't have the power save option, but always go into a new auto mode. This mode should give only a minimal amount of the power save noise (basically interference from the CPU turning on and off) when LSDj is idle or playing a song. However, when moving the cursor, or changing screens etc, you may still hear some noise. This is normal. Here are some things to test.

On the headphone out, does the noise sound the same when you're not doing something and you're doing something? Or is there additional noise when you do something?
What happens if you create an empty chain with an empty phrase in it and press play. Any difference in noise?
What happens if you create a chain with a phrase with an pulse instrument with volume 08 (yes, silent) but otherwise unchanged settings in a new song, and press play? What's the difference in noise compared to nothing playing? Compared to the empty phrase?

NeX, NeX, NeX


(53 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Let me put this way. I wouldn't listen to your music if you changed your name. ??? is great and changing it to anything else would ruin the magic.

I'm an idiot btw, in case you couldn't tell, to use a phrase popularized by raocow. Yeah, of course what I should've tried is to turn off the display. Of course that's what's happening during the time when the screen is blank.


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If the baclkight is connected through the regulated +5V and not directly to the battery (i.e. the usual points where the power LED was) you're putting a bigger load on the regulator. This may be contributing as well, maybe also depending on how good shape the electrolytic cap on that thing is.


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Here we go. This program cycles through three modes, stripes, all white and all black. If my hypothesis about the origins of the noise is correct, you should get less/no noise in at least the white mode, (same as right after the logo) and a high pitched whine in the stripe mode. For science, I'd be interested in knowing what the all black mode does to the noise.


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If the noise is constant when adjusting the volume pot even on the prosound then we're talking interference from the power regulator board or maybe the CPU. A prosound with the volume turned all the way down is basically the same as shorting the mixer input to ground. The noise must be picked up along the stretch of wire inside the Gameboy.

Thinking about it, the lack of noise right after the loading screen suggests that this has to do with what is displayed on the screen. I can make you a test ROM to test this hypothesis. Also, before I do that, try and see if the noise goes away or gets lower if you adjust the contrast to the extreme positions, so the image gets completely white or completely dark.
(Btw, just because the problem might be in the display, doesn't mean that's the actual source of the interference. Varying power load from the CPU and display will change the operating frequency of the power regulator and can cause interference.)

But ultimately, I think this boils down to an interference problem. You have either
1) connected the ground cable to a bad ground point. As any good electrical engineer will tell you, not all ground points are equal. A ground lead, like any other electrical lead, will vary in potential (voltage level) between different points when there goes a current through it. The ground point on the pot is a good point. The negative battery terminal is probably a decent choice. The ground point on the 4-wire connection coming from the regulator board is a bad choice. If you've tried a point on the 4-wire and have gotten the wrong one so you're using e.g. the -18V point instead of ground, you're certainly in for a noise problem. You'd still get sound, but also a louder click on startup, as well as a lot of noise.
2) laid down the actual cables near things that cause interference, mainly the power regulator board. Maybe you placed the PS jack on the left side on the noisy one, and right to the side of the regular jack on the one that's not noisy?


(5 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

What have you tried so far? More or less just saying "it doesn't work" doesn't say much.

I hope you do realize it's a console application. You need to run it from the command line with a bunch of parameters. Go to start/run, type cmd and press enter. Then you need to go to the directory where you have the .exe file. Or, type the full path. The easiest way to do this is probably to drag the file over the command prompt window. This will insert the full path to the file at the cursor.

When you run the program, it should provide you with usage notes.


(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Oh sorry, I didn't realize it was the last thing you posted.


(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I changed the topic title since the thread has little to do with Gameboy Color buttons anymore.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Send it to me immediately. If it happened to the file while it was open, and not while you were loading a file, don't open/reopen any file over it. (Or you'll lose any changes you made to the open file.)


(10 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Reason up to 2.5 or maybe even 3.0 should work with MacOS 9 and maybe 8. If you want to bother...
Or maybe an older version of Max, which may or may not lack the MSP part.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ah! It's always been like that. I did it that way because that's the easiest way to not mess up ASCII art. I guess I should fix it. Thanks.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The file hub is now back and working properly again. It never went down (except today when I worked on it for a while) but it looked really basic and ugly. This was because the code I used relied on certain features in Apache to list the directory contents, which I had to reimplement with my own code. This is now done, so now it should be working fine again. However, if something looks or acts weird, please tell me here or in private.

I haven't added Ugetab's stuff yet, but I really should do it soon. Who knows which  month Angelfire is going to go down...