Primate sheds a single tear everytime he logs in.

Datathrash sucks!!

egr wrote:
pixls wrote:


We murdered chiptune in its sleep.  Then stole its bike.

Egr stole... Stole my bike!


(56 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

walter b. gentle wrote:

you can really only get a few notes lower before you hit fart bass territory.

Honestly, I WOULD like to be able to get there, if id like. Also, one of the issues I've been having with just plain mixing is I've been adjusting my bass AND my kicks when I adjust my low-mid dial. Perhaps mixing the volume more accurately could assist in frequency separation???

That Datathrash sticker is on fucking everything now. I see it everywhere.


(56 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

roboctopus wrote:
danimal cannon wrote:

A sine on the wave channel can actually go lower than most speakers can handle

Exactly.  The DMG can go low.  You just need to optimize your song to make the bass more apparent.  Carefully controlling the volume around your bass is the first step.

You kids and your goddamn 'dynamics'.
This might actually be the route I'm going to have to take.... Or maybe even try that 'bass only' underclock DMG.


(56 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Auxcide wrote:

Hm. What mixer you sporting? My ub802 gets great low end.

16 Chan Behringer USB.

I don't think it's the mixer though. I just want to go LOWER. (I'm well aware that limitations are the very nature of chipmusic. I don't care. XD)


(56 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well, I'm already throwing down so very low octave material. 2nd octave wavs and pu kicks, aplenty. It still doesn't even touch those super lows, though!! The last show I played, I threw my pitch mod on and blew it up, so I know it can be done. I'm wondering if maybe I could have a permanent pitch mod going lower in frequency??


(56 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

As I've played my last several live shows, I've noticed that my low end knobs on my mixer hardly affect my sound. (I'm running LSDJ exclusively)
My bass lines and even my kicks are sitting much more within the typical 'low-mid' range and I'm wondering, how can I get some of those lower frequencies? I'm open to tricks, equipment, modification, whatever!

Handgun Fantasy...
...this time, the safety is OFF!


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm cool with it. Wish we coulda been given some warning though.

...and happy birthday, Nick!!

I'ma get this.

chidey wrote:

I returned to has been concerned to go!


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Auxcide wrote:

Bitches love unicorns, so I'm happy.

Auxcide is bitches! I mean... I'd hit that, for sure!

Telerophon wrote:
Solarbear wrote:

A nifty way to reach truly atonal sounds in LSDJ is with the PU FINE detune! I like to call the areas between sharp and natural 'narps'

This is actually called a "quarter-tone," and playing music with tones between those defined in equal temperment is called "Microtonality" or "Microtonal Music." Composers like Krzysztof Penderecki are particularly well known for this.


I have found a new thing to get involved in. Thank you.

A nifty way to reach truly atonal sounds in LSDJ is with the PU FINE detune! I like to call the areas between sharp and natural 'narps'