Sign me up, I'm ready:)

Awesome!  I can't wait to receive mine.

I would love to read what Saskrotch would post to this thread:)


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

kineticturtle wrote:
stargazer wrote:

Can you elaborate on this tugging more? Where exactly do you tug?

You're just bending the pins a bit so they grip the cartridge tighter.

This is even required on new 72 pin connectors.  If you do this immediately, I found it lasts longer than waiting for it to eventually fail.

I have two, the Willem and the GQ-4X.  I use them both.  For the roms you suggest I find the GQ-4X works great right out of the box.
Link to ebay: … 3cba132c39

I used that one for all of the carts I produce.

You can cut the noise in half by adding a large cap across 5V and GND right at the power regulator pcb.  Usually 470uf does the trick.  It completely removes the noise on the CGB.


(59 replies, posted in Atari)

Also curious if a few glitched graphics could be triggered along with notes, or will that raise the noise floor coming from the chip?
It would be cool to have a little of the raw bit video along with the raw bit sound.
Encouraged to watch progress.


(59 replies, posted in Atari)

Dynamite stuff!  Great work.

We are working hard to build/organize the scene here in Denver, CO.  I know some of you/bands make it through here.
We also hit several synth meetups every month until we get enough interest to start our own. With the upcoming MOD3 for Synthboy+ we also plan on sending more swag out.

Chris Blarsky
4326 West Custer Pl.
Denver, CO  80219

Pic of me at this month's meetup.

Other channels, I'm not just going to test one at a time, I want to use it for music, you know?

I asked because it seems to make a difference. The less I use the noise channel the better total performance I get.
Is your "music" heavy in one particular channel?  Are you using the noise channel very much?


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Will do!
Thank you.

Saskrotch wrote:

I dunno I was messing with the CGB and it seemed like the sweep function on the WAV channel didn't work very well

Are you triggering just the WAV channel, or and other channels too at the same time?


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Done deal!

Just for the sake of completeness I thought I would post my results of performance tweaking.

First and foremost Trash is right, if you plan on any live performance, CGB is the best way to go with mGB.

My testing included 4 midi interfaces.  Motu Express 128, RME Fireface, Motu Express XT, EMU 0404 and a cheap midi to usb.
I tested 3 Arduinoboy interfaces.  Trash's original hardware config(UNO), a NeX diy kit (Arduinopromini) and my Synthboy+(also Arduinopromini).
I used CuBase and drew a single note every 2 seconds across 30 bars.  I did this for all four midi channels. (1-4)
I staggered the notes so no channel triggered notes at the same exact time.

As far as DMG-01 with mGB, I have tweaked the 'editor'(M4LP) settings to all logical settings including extreme.
I have turned off the screen, select-a. I did no CC changes or tweaks during the test.

The best you will get is a dropped note or stuck note or errant note every 20 bars.
Obviously with everything set normally, you can experience problems in as little as every 4 bars.
It didn't matter if I only played notes in just one channel or all four simultaneously.

CGB experiences none of these problems.  I even clocked the CGB all the way down with a ltc1799 timer and
I don't have any performance issues.
Hope this helps and if anyone has any other insights to what could help, I would really appreciate it.

Based on the current count in eBay I would say 1 out of 500ish.

Curious, do you get stuck notes or errant notes every few bars or so while sending notes to three or more channels?