Yeah I loved it, (Wendy Carlos approved!) I've got the all carts that go with it. Unfortunately it needs a skilled technician to repair it. When I got it, the sampler and a few other functions were not working. Now nothing works, I know diddly squat about getting it going. Not to jack the thread but I'd love to see it working and someone using it. It weighs quite a bit so shipping would be costly. I know what a fully functioning one is worth, this one is probably a couple hundred dollars worth of repair from that point. It's just sitting in a closet sad these days.
34 Dec 19, 2014 4:32 pm
Re: WTT or WTS Roland MC 808 (8 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I'm very intersted in this. I've got one of these
It's needs some repair to be fully functional. I'm willing to get it fixed up before shipping. Pm me if you might be interested.
35 Nov 27, 2014 3:36 pm
Re: 1st Person to Cover Y.Bhekhirst Also Wins Chiptune (14 replies, posted in General Discussion)
sugar sk*-*lls wrote:Free music ( as in free jazz) is awesome. Y bhekhirst is especially awesome, thanks for the link. Bookmarked.
Sun city girls should definitely be included in this thread. Their album torch of the mystic is really bad ass
. I never expected to see a Jandek reference on this site, sweet. his album blue corpse is worth exploring-the vocal only albums are as well. I got to record with him once, on Halloween appropriately. 'Twas rad
This thread just got really interesting! I've never met anyone else who knows who he IS let alone has played with him!? What was that like I must know! His accompanied stuff is more conventional right? There aRe occasional moments in his music that capture something unique but it's hard for me to get Into the rest of it..
Ha, it was pretty interesting. I was asked to play guitar for a live show originally. The process was very hush hush through like four parties- so I wasn't surprised when it didn't pan out. However, after his show he ended up having beers-which he is a connoisseur apparently-and agreed to record the following day at the home studio where the drummer that accompanied him for the show records.
The next day I got a cryptic call and was asked to record some bass clarinet with a new impromptu ensemble, the session was cancelled like two times during the day- also shades of some James bond style communication. I couldn't find a bass clarinet in time and ended up playing saxophone. He didn't say much, just kind of smiled a lot. I get the sense he is very protective of his mystique. We played 4 "pieces" about 15 mins each-total improv. he was on a fret less bass, there was a drummer, two heavily effected guitars, and me skronking and droning on sax. He said there would be no vocals and we wouldn't be credited. What eves, he really seemed to enjoy the process. I had to play a big party that evening so I left pretty much right after we finished. I think he and his uber attractive hipster youngish lady friend/ road manager explored the honkey tonks afterwards. Very lovely calm people really.
His catalog is massive, I dunno I've always thought a lot sounded like sonic youth if they were acoustic. I do know that his weird guitar tunings are intentional. And yeah his voice and style worked really well live, very subdued but heavy and deep. I liked it more than the records. It was hilarious to see the frat bros, who were there to see the other acts, scratching their heads.
36 Nov 27, 2014 5:15 am
Re: 1st Person to Cover Y.Bhekhirst Also Wins Chiptune (14 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Free music ( as in free jazz) is awesome. Y bhekhirst is especially awesome, thanks for the link. Bookmarked.
Sun city girls should definitely be included in this thread. Their album torch of the mystic is really bad ass
. I never expected to see a Jandek reference on this site, sweet. his album blue corpse is worth exploring-the vocal only albums are as well. I got to record with him once, on Halloween appropriately. 'Twas rad
37 Nov 5, 2014 3:22 pm
Re: External/hardware MIDI file player??? (31 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
Interesting AVR project. Here is a thread on the MidiBox MIDIO128 code (which has midi player function built in). LPC ARM, SD card socket, and midi ports. +%2Bplayer
Yessss!!! Thanks for posting this. I've been searching for something like this for a while.
38 Oct 29, 2014 7:52 pm
Re: Anyone using your iPhone/iPad live or music production? (39 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
I'll check out isequence a bit-it might work for my intentions... Can you assign your tracks to specific midi outs? I get the feeling the kind of app im talking about doesn't exist...yet. Sort of like a sound canvas but in software form. Maybe cubasis might work, 50.00 is a lot to spend tho just to check. Anyone use that?
For ios app sound creation, i think square synth is one of the best-Great job break phase! Yeah propellerhead's figure is soooper fun. I use Dm1 quite a bit for making beats, it works really well as controller to send midi info to my roland mc505 or qy70.
39 Oct 29, 2014 5:45 pm
Re: Anyone using your iPhone/iPad live or music production? (39 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
My live setup uses an iPad to sequence MIDI. I use an app called Genome that I'm really quite taken with. You can brief see it on my video thingy here: and thier website is : ... I use a line 6 midi mobilizer to get midi out.
I've been searching for a while to find a good midi app, such that I can use the iPad as my midi brain to send the midi info to hardware. Yamaha sequencer is great for composition, not so much live performance since it's not possible to assign a different midi channel out to a track. Is it possible to assign specific midi channel outputs from specific tracks with genome?
Anyone else know of a good midi app? Ideally I want to load an smf file, route it to my device, and hit play.
40 Oct 2, 2014 1:28 am
Re: Voice in my dmg01 (20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Clearly this is the 666th best thread of the year.
41 Sep 26, 2014 3:02 pm
Topic: The Conlanger's Guide to Pentatonic Composition (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Hey super fly peeps
My new release is available for download via Nashville net label Lost Bard. All nanoloop tracks recorded straight to tape. I'm also making 1/1 tapes or cd's for sale if that is your speed. If you want one of those hit me up at [email protected]
Czech it: omposition
! *-* !
42 Sep 9, 2014 5:11 pm
Re: Abandoned On Fire - "Black Window" [drone, noise] (11 replies, posted in Releases)
Yessss! This going on repeat!
43 Aug 29, 2014 3:29 pm
Re: Sacrificing Musical 'Value' for Narrative 'Value' (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I've started and abandoned my share of concept albums. Music should come first. There's a reason why you would choose a medium over another. It is up to you to figure out why music over prose as your vehicle. Take a listen to concept albums you think are successful. I think every album by Pink Floyd is a concept album, but Piper at the Gates is my favorite by far. Philip Glass has done some fantastic music only concepts, check out Augas de Amozonia it is brilliant. There are a number of ways to tell a story within the medium of music, lyrics, melodies, song titles, extra writing in a booklet, etc. Write tons of ideas and then filter out the best. It is maddening fun to try to make something like you are talking about, so be patient and don't be afraid to fail!
44 Aug 25, 2014 3:38 am
Re: lost bard sampler (6 replies, posted in Releases)
It's a joke, since the album has tracks that aren't chiptune.
Lolz, nice , wait isn't there a satire button? Or official arp?
45 Aug 25, 2014 1:53 am
Re: lost bard sampler (6 replies, posted in Releases)
46 Aug 24, 2014 10:42 pm
Topic: lost bard sampler (6 replies, posted in Releases)
Hello All,
An underground experimental hip hop, beat, etc. net label here in Nashville-Lost Bard- has just put out a new sampler. I've got a track on it from my release of last year, Intermission. I HIGHLY recommend taking the time to explore more of the work by hobbledeions, who is included in this sampler. In October, Lost Bard will be releasing my new round of minimal nanoloop jams which I recorded straight to tape. Czech it out here: rd-sampler
47 Aug 13, 2014 11:12 pm
Re: is my music actually relevant to this site? (46 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hey, there's an easy way to settle the "is it chipmusic" question. It's a philosophical question, which has nothing to do with making good music or people enjoying said music. I'm sure a few other peeps here have a background in philosophy-'twas my undergrad-I could take some time to lay it out if anyone is really interested. In any case OP, don't worry about it. If doesn't belong on the site, people will tell you without mincing words, or they will just ignore you. It really doesn't matter though. Make and listen to as much music as you can until you don't care what genre it is anymore.
48 May 28, 2014 12:00 am
Re: 4mat - "Nadir" (22 replies, posted in Releases)
This is really awesome, upon first listen I can tell it is gonna be in my regular mix for a while. I also agree that there should be a physical version.