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Topics by Aeros
Posts found: 305-320 of 633
been jamming out w/ LSDJ all day today, here's what i've got so far (starting from the drop since i've not actually finished the intro yet
i'm trying to squeeze as much bass out of LSDJ as i can with this track - any tips & tricks on how to make the noise percs stronger, make the WAV bass deeper, etc. would help.
Victory Road wrote:there are some things about recording in FL that kinda annoy me. you can't make it punch-in automatically, doesn't loop record etc.
all that stuff doesn't matter if you're recording tracker music though, i suppose!
actually, loop recording is sort-of possible - you can use a delay plugin at 16:00 with full decay to do just 1-bar overdub recording. not sure what to tell you with everything else. i actually have my DMG route to my speakers through FLS and do mastering and composing as i go - that's the main reason I use FL studio over Audacity and other utilities. i'm pretty sure Live does the same, but hey, i'm not spending $500 for it when i can just throw half that at the folks over at Image-Line and they give me something that does the same job.
SketchMan3 wrote:I think if I had a hedgehog as a pet, I'd want an echidna to compliment it.
don't forget the pocket-chihuahua-sized mutant fox
NUCLACE wrote:
i use fl studio, personally. pretty good for newbies, not too expensive, and lets you do a lot of stuff, especially with the 10.6 beta supporting live play that doesn't suck (provided the ASIO drivers don't shit in your mouth).
well, one half i doubt and the other half i find laughably obvious. just figured i'd post the list since it's relevant.
Kraftwerk, for starters.
a pretty fair list (although i doubt half of it):
Auxcide wrote:You're so courteous I almost feel bad for telling you to learn how to use the power of the internet. Almost.
Learn how to search, man. I'm so tired of these 'how do you use this' threads. Jeez, there's stickys and stuff. There's Google and YouTube. Sigh. Everything can be found without you asking for help. Shit, I started making music without asking one on here. Without any tutorials at all actually. Seriously.
But since you were so nice, I didn't say any of this meanly. 
+1. but really, it all goes downhill when you first learn holding select and using the d-pad switches menus.
AndrewKilpatrick wrote:You desperately need to just stop changing your name
well, whoever it is probably deserves it more than me anyways. gratz bro
proof that 4mat never lost it
oh thank god, a cm.o newbie that isn't asking "how od i chiptoon?!!!?". welcome to the cm.o community!
danimal cannon wrote:
holy screaming titty monsters that is amazing
Posts found: 305-320 of 633 / Forums / Posts by Aeros