(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

electricloverecords wrote:

the noobs are getting feral in here! where are these noob-beasts coming from?

has anyone ever noticed that the word "noobs", is really similar to the word "boobs"??

as if the thread isn't derailed enough, you come out of nowhere saying that.

heeeeeere we go


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

and of course the rule-of-thumb i mentioned is ridiculed and taken completely the wrong way.

i love you guys

Bit Shifter wrote:
Aeros wrote:

frankly i thought that was a pretty brutally executed stream of insults, facilitating humor to attempt to enhance your point.

seriously just read your posts in simon cowell's voice, you'll see what i mean

I don't know who that is. Is he a mean person? Maybe you shouldn't read my posts in his voice.

I just think the thread is silly. Post #1 seemed to be a cry for validation; subsequent posts — like this one —

HolyNegative0 wrote:

I know. I'm not trying to find out about them. I'm just wondering if I should.

…seemed to imply a certain appalling laziness — not even of the "Hey, tell me about things I could easily look up on Google myself" variety, but of the arguably even lazier "Hey, tell me whether I should or should not Google this" variety.

If it's all just meant as "hey, give me some recommendations, what should I check out" then fine. But it wasn't really framed that way.

yes, that was what it meant, and no, i have no idea where your logic got you in the rest of that post.

i'm going to bed

Bit Shifter wrote:
Aeros wrote:

you seriously need to lighten the f up.

Frankly I thought I rather deftly executed a gentle rebuke, inflected with the appropriate dash of humor.

frankly i thought that was a pretty brutally executed stream of insults, facilitating humor to attempt to enhance your point.

seriously just read your posts in simon cowell's voice, you'll see what i mean

for sake of preventing the creation of another multi-page hellspawn with some regulars screaming at you and others trying to be helpful, i'd honestly refrain from making these threads.

Bit Shifter wrote:

Why is this a thread? You're asking, what, if it's OK that you don't know certain artists? Why wouldn't it be OK? Consider your fears dismissed and your human merit validated. As nickmaynard says, you can get 95% of everything off of all the labels e.s.c. recommended for the INCREDIBLE low, low price of $0.00. And as BR1GHT PR1MATE says —


listen to some damn chiptune music

Shit's easy.

you seriously need to lighten the f up.

HolyNegative0 wrote:

I can't get a job because I'm a high schooler who can't drive and looks like he's from elementary school. I'm short and I have a baby face. Nobody wants to hire me. T3T


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

youtube tutorials are often pretty crappy. people need to learn to RTFM instead

he's probably underage

HolyNegative0 wrote:

I would but the current amount of money that I have to my name is $0.00. Reason? I still get an allowance. tongue BUT I will go download the free stuff.

consider yourself lucky. i'm flat broke and the only reason i put my music on bandcamp is because i'm out of money to invest into my music and that's my only real option to fund myself.

in fact, the only reason i've got a gameboy at the moment is because my brother's a badass and enjoys ripping open electronics, fixing, modifying and enhancing them and giving them to people as gifts.


i suppose the main reason anamanaguchi is so well known is because of scott pilgrim. i heard waaaaay too much about that game a couple years ago and everyone was always freaking out about the music and art style because "oh god, it's so retro and cool and the music sounds like mario in a rock band an-

excuse me just resisting suicide, hang on


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

*sigh* well, here we go. might as well spew out my version of what pr1mate said.

i'm going to set you on solid ground here and now. trackers (which are chiptune programs with interfaces, bluntly put, resembling Famitracker) and other DAWs (which stands for Digital Audio Workstations, by the way) will take a while to learn, but honestly everything really depends on what you're willing to use and what you're willing to lose. some of us spend thousands of <your native country's monetary units> and hours working.

first of all, trackers are very logical and very mathematical. you won't get away with using right brain and right brain alone when you're making chiptunes, so no matter what, you've got to put some real, logical thought into it while you're working. and if you're really ready to get into this, then get ready for some long hours slaving over a computer program, because chipmusic isn't good at being spontaneous. it WILL require you to be patient and it WILL require you to piece every last note of what you make together, unlike with guitars and instruments you can just pick up and play; you'll be hard-pressed to just pick up a gameboy, NES, etc. and play it. ...wait, what?

let's just show you your entry-level options, at the least for learning how to work a tracker system:

famitracker - A.K.A. 'the easy route'. famitracker is pretty much the jack-of-all-trades beginner's tool for chipmusic. its native console is the nintendo entertainment system. it's quick, it's easy and it can provide a wide range of results. although everyone's pointing you to famitracker, i honestly don't reccommend it. it's not really a tool that's easy for people to naturally comprehend and learn quickly with. here's a rule of thumb: if you don't/didn't make high marks in math, you may want to try using something else.

sunvox - although sunvox isn't actually a real CHIPTUNE-PRODUCING system, it is a tracker, and if you just read up a little bit on it, it's deceptively easy to use and a good choice for beginners just figuring out how to work the system. it's my personal favorite for learning how to work with a tracker/chiptune DAW, and it's how i got to the skill level i did. you may or may not thank me later.

LSDJ (emulated) - i'm about to get killed for trying to throw a newbie into this headfirst, aren't i? LSDJ is the "industry standard" of chiptunes. it's generally run on a Gameboy, and with that, let me just warn you now that this isn't the best choice for beginners. LSDJ is hard to navigate with the few controls that are available to it, it'll be even harder to navigate using an emulator, the full version actually costs money (oh no, oh no, i might have to pay two dollars), and the Gameboy's hardware can cause severe limitation. but my god, once you learn how to spam BRK-i mean, effectively work LSDJ's complex system, you will get better fast. i'd still only take this option if you have the balls of a rhino, a lot of extra free time, some real determination and a metric f-ton of ritalin.

seriously, weigh your options if you really want to get into this. if you have any questions in the means of beginner tracking, feel free to PM me and i'll see what i can do to help you out.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

oh the bassline synth? here's the instrument params for it, if that's what you're looking for:

› Trance Bass


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

heh, that was pretty easy given the bassline's simplicity


(13 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

yup, it's the capacitor. kitsch, if you know the specs for it i'm sure he could just grab a pack from radioshack and solder it back on


(13 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

nitro2k01 wrote:

Picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gameboygen … otostream/

From that, can you tell which component has come loose?

judging by him saying 'top-left corner resistor', i'd guess it's that 47µF capacitor up top, not a resistor