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Topics by BLEO
Posts found: 449-464 of 1,250
Mo forumz, mo problemz...
I think a dedicated piggy forum is a good idea. I've been saying for years that piggy info is already too splintered across the internets... let's ping Jordan about it soon and see if we can integrate it in hexawe, because I know he's been itchin to do a major site overhaul for a long while.
Well, certain bugs are getting cleaned up, there's an improved filter code in the works (check facebook for more on that), t-shirts, another platform port and some crazy ass new secret features. Believe it.
Last I checked, the one on the wiki looked up to date... except for little secret sidebuilds that Marc's done specifically for us whiners (dingoo volume mapping, alphabetical project sort, etc).
Chainsaw Police wrote:I was thinking of, starting from now, archiving and maintaining detailed list of piggy ghetto builds, listing their improvements and bugs, along with a dl mirror. If anyone has any old builds and info on said builds (improvements/bugs), please email me - josh at - and I'll get something going.
If I've learnt anything today, it's that the ghettos can sometimes be pretty unreliable, and the most recent reliable build can be pretty old!!
Did you not see my above post? We're already on it! I like your idea about info, though! We can just add a .txt in each build folder with a changelog in there!
Links in the wiki are wiped out and replaced with a link to the download page.
There is also a collection of some recent "older" builds here:
If anyone has a build not listed there, please email/pm/whatever it to me and denote what build number it is.
I'll alert Marc to this PSP issue ASAP.
TSC wrote:Yeah, I formatted the card and it's still not loading/saving with the ghetto build. The psp is getting the fuck out of my life.
fwiw, the wiki links need to be updated. The ghetto section takes me to
Wow, way to be patient. Ghettos are called ghettos for a reason. If this only recently became an issue, I'm certain Marc can/will fix it with the quickness.
Subway Sonicbeat wrote:I saw the 330 on DX, is even cheaper than the 320. But it's not the ripoff of psp. Would this work?
You dirty south american I already said in this thread it wouldn't work.
Also, (Mve heard lots about this PSP ghetto issue and I've also heard that reformatting the memory stick fixes all the problems. I will get ahold of a PSP soon and try this. If it doesn't fix it, Marc will surely fix ASAP so no need to freak the fuck out.
As far as I can tell, the only differences are the shoulder buttons and more RAM in the a330, but opendingux uses a swap file and gives you 512MB of RAM anyhow, so the extra 16MB of RAM really doesn't matter at that point. Oh and theres the option for a wireless controller, but it has to be this special dingoo one and I'm not sure if it works with dingux.
I don't know of anyone with an a330, so it's risky... might be shitty build quality... ??? Who knows?
No no no... it runs on both a320 and a330, just not those crazy-ass ga330's, a330 LE, a380, etc. If it's not a320 or the a330 psp looking thing, no dingux.
I just made a very c64-ish snare.
Pretty sure i,cactus knows about this already, sm0hm disappears from the net now and then but we'll hunt him down, i'll spam koolskull's fb right now...
Domu wrote:totally in. pshh 500k vox/ drum samples? Pussies! Im going for monowave only! (ok maybe a coupla kicks
I like your attitude, boy. And fwiw, I've found snares are harder to synthesize with monowave than kicks... somebody wow me with a killer monowave snare!
Oh man, just got to wHEEY SOLO.... 10000% stunning stuff! Can't wait to roll down the car windows and roll down the street bumping that one!
Theta_Frost wrote:I might have to pick up a A330 now! Is there any difference between the models, DX has quite a few variations. ?
That's the one you want, the ONLY one that will run DIngux/opendingux and DX doesn't carry it.
Posts found: 449-464 of 1,250 / Forums / Posts by BLEO