this will be GREEN JESUS. I've already started raging. see you dudes tonight.

^ skgb's cassette is icy, mang



(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

groovy! big_smile


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Glitch Militia wrote:
barbeque wrote:

can't you just grab a pair of pliers and break/pull the tabs out of the inside? This worked for me, eliminating the need to pay for an adaptor.

This works with jap games on american consoles. Not with jap games on PAL consoles..

really? what the hell, Nintendo?


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Glitch Militia wrote:

I specifically need an adaptor to play Japanese SNES games on my PAL SNES.

can't you just grab a pair of pliers and break/pull the tabs out of the inside? This worked for me, eliminating the need to pay for an adaptor.


(23 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

this is nifty

VCMG wrote:

You should just lay out the merch on your chipmusic-ing table and like, sell stuff while you're performing.

this works.


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jeebus crist. fuck, bro.


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

an-cat-max wrote:

can we do a kittenrock chill compilation again?

:'c sorry, big dawg. new job and shit getting in the way of real life.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Saskrotch wrote:

god i hope tyrell is square0ne so there's a reason to ban him

i cackled


(6 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

quite rad looking and sounding.

sadly have to back out.

recording in a couple hours as I do not have a reliable recording set up currently.

this is god