(56 replies, posted in Releases)

This is too fucking sick!

EvilWezil wrote:

Did an album of this type of shite some years back:
Track time signatures:
3:  3/4 (speeds up until 4/4 with triplets)
5:  5/4
6:  6/4 (Yes. 6/4. Not a waltz.)
7:  7/4
9:  9/8
11: 4/4, 7/4, 13/4
12: Isometric
14: ?

Also, a 15-minute isometric single song relaxfest:
http://soundcloud.com/evilwezil/evilwez … -in-motion

I like oddfun.

This i actually very good.

Chuck Norris once wrote a song on a 1/1 on 255BPM.

akira^8GB wrote:
boomlinde wrote:

Me attending local demo meeting

Gimme dat tie.

That tie is simply badass.

Halo: Reach, MW3, GOW3, MvC2&3, SF, SFXT


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I know a few people on here play some Xbox.

We can play some game, talk about chip music and stuff or whatever.
Get a better line of communication.

I get on occasionally, but the main thing I play is Halo Reach and CoD.

Kind of weird posting this on a chiptune forum, but it's whatever.

GT: SillyCactus04

EDIT:Let this thread die now.
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/319/x … amer-tags/

Oh shit, I just woke up and it looks like this thread blew up!
Glad I made it!

Aside from making chip music I'm a lifeguard at a city pool and trying to get certified to become a swim instructor.
Planning to go to college soon as well.
Xbox is great as well as hanging with some homiez.

So what's your life outside of making chiptune music? If you have a life...
Have a career, kids, married, still going to school, hobbies, or something that occupies most of your time?
Just curious.

UPDATE: The feeling of this thread is great! Glad i made it!


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)



Mario Kart 7 FTW!

1. How long have you been making chip tunes? 5 months.
2. What inspired you to begin creating your own music? It just came to me.
3. What do you personally use to produce chiptunes (Hardware and Software)? LSDJ
4. What genre of music (besides chip) inspires you the most? Dance/Trance/House
5. What do you know about music theory? Have you ever taken a formal music class? a little. a couple of classes.
6. What do you reccomend for someone who would like to begin making chiptunes (tutorials, software, hardware, online resources)? Look into it first and see what it's all about before you jump into it, because it takes a lot of time and patience to produce music let alone chiptune.
7. Do you perform at any live shows? Not Yet.


(70 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Next special guest should be Knife City so he can share all the knowledge he has with us about the .wav channel.


(14 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Great song, but the Cosby picture is just hilarious.

Knife City
Fighter X
Bit Shifter
Danimal Cannon


(67 replies, posted in Releases)

ovenrake wrote:

I thought I felt good about one gameboy. It's been a long time something has been "inspiring" to me.


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Never heard of it, but it looks very sketchy and the site seems very shady.

It's looking like everything on there that has to do with payment is either capitalized, a different color, or both, so this might be a scam or they did a really shitty job making this website.

Your rolling the dice on this one, but i personally wouldn't trust my money there.


(186 replies, posted in General Discussion)
