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Search options (Page 21 of 23) / Forums / Posts by rygD
Topics by rygD
Posts found: 321-336 of 358
onapokoya wrote:That switch on top is probably useless and the biohazard logo looks terrible.
Alpine wrote:Anyway, their paintjob looks tacky as fuck yo, the entire thing looks nasty and shiny, and the biohazard logo and the light look really shite and cheap.
That symbol (not a logo) represents a radiation hazard. I recently had a conversation, spawned while searching for a vinyl radiation decal (I don't want to paint, in case I change my mind), regarding people not understanding what these warning symbols represent (such as seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Thine Own Self"). I suppose as long as people know it means "bad for you" it is helpful. At least testing was done to design another radiation symbol, so that people know to run away away from the bad stuff that floats overhead and can kill and squirt water at you, or something about pirates.
I also prefer Teh D3th St4r's design, as I usually look for stuff that is slightly beat up and old (such as the radium alarm clock I sleep next to). I don't really like the stripes in general, but the way he did it emulates the worn look I like, that the other lacks. Kinda reminds me of the Mother 3 Game Boy Micro. I really wish I had the skill to get that worn look, either with paint or vinyl, for the project I mentioned earlier. I was amused by the "before and after" idea.
nordloef wrote:The keypad thing is a Blue Box synth.
I was hoping it had blue box tones...
Downstate wrote:One of the greatest things ive ever heard in the last few years is this record, a one man project by the name of Murmurre.
Really good album. Thanks for the suggestion.
I considered picking up a cheap harmonica microphone once. I am in no way any good with a harmonica, but I liked how it looked, it was cheap, and I figured it beat using a speaker and would work for all the stuff I would have needed it for.
Most of what I do falls into less dancey post-industrial and related shit, and when I mess with vocals I am not looking for clean traditional singing, and will sometimes run it through effects and such. Usually when I am messing with a microphone I am not using it for vocals. I almost never record stuff, but I do sometimes use cassettes, like I did when I was a kid. My goal has never been to create sounds that were nice and crisp (yet I have done a few prosound mods). The instruments I play I do not play well, so it all likely sounds worse than it did when I was a kid, but that is fine, as it is not for consumption by others.
Downstate wrote:Originally some of the early black metal artists would use headphones as a mic
I do stuff like that. I don't own a proper microphone, so I improvise when I need one.
I never thought there was an artistic reason for me doing it, but I do love some of the old "lo-fi" blues recordings, as well as a lot of other stuff with related qualities...interesting.
kitsch wrote:i'm sorry guys, i'm really trying to keep up
you all buy too quickly.
actually, i need a secretary that will work for a pittance 
um. 3_clk i'm shooting to get it out next week. easy_ps2 this week. i know i keep saying that. its the snowball effect. but i think it will come this week. busy time lately with taxes and all (mainly a garden that needs planting. now.)
the next immediate colors are black and white, everything is getting restocked in those. after that there are some special colors coming up, i just don't want to say just yet. but b&w are next
I know I am across the state, but I will be your secretary. Any employee discounts?
Seriously though, shoot me a pm if I can help with anything (except the gardening, I have my own plants/yard to tend to).
nerdsome wrote:Black and white cases are what I originally wanted! Can't wait!
Would you let people order but not ship immediately and as you get more things we want you just compile it into a full order so we can combine shipping? Or would that be too difficult for you? Too much work for ya I'm sure... I used to do that with my shop but I had 2 employees to help out with it.
I think many of us have been waiting for black and white. I need to get a clear green or two before they are gone. And about $250 of other stuff...I miss the days when I had disposable income.
kitsch needs layaway for his store so we can get things we will need when they are available, but we aren't ready to make an order (s&h always seems to be 1/4 to 1/3 of my order total, I wait, then items sell out...
maybe I should stop being so cheap).
When can we expect the 3_clk to be available? I have a primarily gaming DMG I am putting together and that would be great.
Should we expect new cases soon, and any hints on the next color(s)?
DogTag wrote:Maybe someone's got an idea or recommendation for us.
if you are feeling lucky you can heat up that side of the LCD, but I wouldn't suggest it. I have had limited success with this (
reducing the number of horizontal lines on screens that had a handful) but I think it is riskier than it is worth. I think you are more likely to make it worse.
I liked those because they were a bit cheesy. LOOMIS makes 'em look good.
Anyone else experiment with this, or have any updates?
Dr Treble wrote:Space City Ransom: Offworld cyberpunk dystopian open world brawler sandbox
yes, please
Do you think you can either take a picture of all the buttons dumped out, or list the colors?
Last sentence was a joke...
Xuriik wrote:"Stock" being great condition, 20-25USD ish (shipping included within reason).
"Stock" being some scratching, heavy yellowing, vertical lines, and the usual problems of used gameboys about 10-15USD.
They almost always go cheaper locally.
In my experience from what I've seen and bought.
I would say this is fairly accurate.
I never pay more than $10 for a DMG in less than great condition on ebay. I make small exceptions for extras that are included (cases, ac adapters, etc). A little more for PILs. I have seen lots with mixed quality go for more than I feel they are worth, but I have also seen them go cheap. Your best bet is to to sell them all to me, very cheaply.
I am more interested in the neon green ones (waiting for them to be back in stock), but seeing the clear green in that light makes them seem a good option, especially with that look. I got a kick out of seeing the mixed batteries in the clear cases. That is how mine usually are.
Posts found: 321-336 of 358 / Forums / Posts by rygD