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Search options / Forums / Posts by Bornyesterday
Dammit! The one show I find out about in time for, and I'm stuck in Houston. :'[
The lineup looks sick, I'm so sad to miss it. Hope to be able to catch the next Texas thang!
EDIT: Last Thursday of every month? Hell yeah, that sounds like it's up my alley! Hope to see y'all next month!
Another vote for you guys revisiting Texas! I missed y'all for SXSW. :[
Saskrotch wrote:Something that takes an .lsdsng file, makes it into a .gbs file, and also a gbs player that can control things like tempo, mute / solo tracks, transpose etc.
Oh so very much yes! This actually seems like it may not be all too difficult to do on a computer, am I wrong?
I don't know which is worse, that I was hoping for some seriously entertaining trolling throughout this entire thread, or that I actually read the entire thing. ::facepalm::
P.S.: At least Bert Shefter made it all better.
P.P.S: Hey, it rhymed!
Another Texas Chipfan reporting in, ready for party action! 
I wish I could be there! I'll definitely be down to go in the future, though. Good luck, it seems like an awesome time!
Man, I've wanted to get back over to DFW for a long time, but as it turns out I'm gonna be stuck in my area for the next few weeks.
It looks like it's shapIng up to be really great, though! If I can swing it, I'll try to get over there, for sure. Good luck!
Yay! I hope it's in the Houston/Galveston area! :3
e.s.c. : Oh, wow, I had no idea i, cactus was from around here! I haven't had the pleasure of hearing the other three (until recently I was only getting the bulk of my chiptune from 8bitpeoples, and I'm starting to find out about the wider world of the scene), but I am sure they're worth the mention, haha.
herr_prof: At SXSW, I take it?
I would love to, but I'm not in any way as connected as the people who put Datapop together, and I have *zero* knowledge or experience in terms of arranging things. Hell, I can't organize my own schedule. I'm just an avid fan who had the bad luck to be living in an area where big chip stuff doesn't really happen all that much. Still, there's always Sievert and IAYD, that's a major consolation. Now I just need to figure out when and where they play. 
Sad day. I was at 3.0, and really enjoyed it. I'm kicking myself for missing last year's. It was a great substitute for Blip Fest for those of us who can't really get out of Texas. I heard that there were some problems with the management at The Highball (though I then heard to the contrary), so I can understand if not, but are there any known plans to continue doing Datapop or something similar around here in Texas?
I know this has been asked before, but I still haven't been able to find an answer, and as SXSW is almost upon us, I figured I'd come here. Is there going to be a Datapop during the South By Southwest festivities? Does anyone know? Thanks in advance.
Posts found: 12 / Forums / Posts by Bornyesterday