totally understandable. i think a 'top 4 songs' would be a great idea, perhaps even below the song, make icons to link to peoples soundcloud, bandcamp, and also maybe a few various icons for stuff like myspace pages, or band/blog webpage. keep it not too cluttered, maybe top 3 places to find the artist's music.


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

let me know if you want to do a baltimore show, we could kill it!


(59 replies, posted in General Discussion)

replies so far have been a fucking joke, great job cm.o on the encouragement for this guy friends. anyway, i'll try and give some positive advice. perhaps try writing on some other medium for a few songs. im not saying pull out some midi shit and fuck around with a piano roll, but maybe try some kind of tracker, or even get into reason or heaven forbid, download rebirth, its free now, and hella fun. just play with a bunch of different mediums.

the chiptune stuff is/can be hella tough if you set your standard for what you're doing high and miss the mark, and it sounds like you have a lotta regret about what you lost. so just pull out some random program. im gonna suggest rebirth, or for fucking around with samples, schism tracker. just experiment. dont even give a crap about making 'songs' at first. play with experimenting with sound, pass the songs off to a few friends, see what they say. you coming here and asking for a real type of advice is like kicking yourself in the ass over a fence into a junkyard with tons of rabid rottweilers. last of all, dont even give a fuck about advice. my email is [email protected]. write me in two months and let me know what happens.


(78 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i think its in your best interest to stop reading the forums for a while if this is your only mode of communication here. you're missing the point entirely and if you cant at least attempt to be a bit less of a negative nancy it would be for the best for you. im sorry that my post made you read 10 pages of your posts looking for complaining, but if you did that, maybe you didnt actually read your posts.


(78 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Saskrotch wrote:

Oh good I wasn't tired of seeing this in recent posts!

nobody is forcing your hand onto your mouse to read these posts, or your hands onto your keyboard to type a response except you. and given you make this same post 10x a week every single week, its gotten tiring to read as much as the discussions.

perhaps try to knock it down to say, 1x a week by reading the forum less. it could help.


(16 replies, posted in Releases)



(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

yea totally, is it a good machine? if people have used it and dig it and its being brought back maybe even pin it for a week or somethin.


(123 replies, posted in General Discussion)

the fucking champs
swarming hordes
american heritage


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

wrong category lil cm.o user, we have a for sale section heer


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

that girls face is a slice of imported ham


(60 replies, posted in Releases)

its like  ae's 'amber' meets carrier airwing. after being exposed to equal doses of rick wakeman and maybe even patlabor the movie, lets be honest.

i bow to you julian, my liege.


(59 replies, posted in General Discussion)

cant get any over on me, check out my nes remix albums here for a lot of great underrated stuff: … -x-endgame … -beginning … next-leval … sually-die … at-justice … e-hits-cd1 … e-hits-cd2 … c-of-powar … ange-point


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

no, its like this


(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(97 replies, posted in General Discussion)

we all die eventually, so do records


(62 replies, posted in General Discussion)

on the back of a milk carton