too bad they didnt drop off the tour and get replaced with hella like they should have been
641 Jul 11, 2011 6:29 am
Re: Coheed bassist arrested for holding up a Walgreens before Philly show. (15 replies, posted in General Discussion)
642 Jul 10, 2011 3:02 am
Re: Chainsaw Police and samplingmasters Koizumi - Songs About Ducks EP (4 replies, posted in Releases)
643 Jul 6, 2011 2:42 am
Re: Chipmusic FAQ : New to Chipmusic? Read this! (83 replies, posted in General Discussion)
try schismtracker
644 Jul 2, 2011 4:25 am
Re: Early Electronic music albums (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
temp, just stop. Not worth it.
I really want to check out these records, they sound awesome!
i dont think its a matter of it being worth it or not, because either way, ppl are telling me in private good on ya for standing up to celsius.
anyways, to get on topic, here's sort of a quick list of some of the artists i feel are important to that early era of synth music.
andy clark
roger roger
roland bocquet
mike vickers
francis monkman
claude perrardin
teddy lasry
simon park
bernard fevre
angela werner
georges rodi
hugo montenegro
keith mansfield
doris norton
jean-pierre decerf
i realize this is sort of a long list, but all of these guys were important for different reasons. definately try and scope out some lasry, he was a sax player in magma, went his own way and dove head first into the synthesizer. 'rush (patchwork 59)' is my favorite work by him, but all of it is very worth checking out. really organic stuff. you may recognize some of his music from 'curb your enthusiasm' if you're a fan of the show. here's some tunes from teddy, claude, and jean pierre, they were all artists on the patchwork label, a very good starting point if you're trying to find your way for some good stuff. i also suggest looking into the bruton and kpm discography NO MATTER WHAT.
some of the artists in that list may be a lil more popular, like synergy or andy clark, but i consider them all equally worthwhile for different reasons. enjoy.
645 Jul 2, 2011 1:39 am
Re: Early Electronic music albums (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
celsius, i already said anything i have to say to you. period. if you would like to continue, thats too bad. however, youtube videos being posted here violates copyrights as well, but i guess because its youtube its an exception to the rule. go figure! guess me pointing that out makes me even more 'insane'
646 Jul 1, 2011 1:28 pm
Re: Finally finished another song off our album (17 replies, posted in Releases)
trolled? marred your own favorite song? cmon. you didnt even get to discussing the actual song without reading out the specs for it. so was it even really about the song, or is it about you going out of your way to show the technical side of it, and wishin to get props for it? because if its the latter, then you're really not going to do yourself any favors in chiptune at all, and nobody is going to be quick to pat you on the back unless you are doing some shit that is more innovative then what xik was doing in 2004-2005, or if you wanna go further back, the kind of stuff that goto80 was doing when everybody was still kids. and no, this is not trolling. this is being as real as i can be with a stranger after walking you down a path of realizing why this kind of stuff is worse then the whole fakebit vs truebit debate and why if you want people to give your music a fair chance, then its best for you to distance yourself from your shocking reality that you're using some real hardware.
it gives no clemency to your music to talk about the technical side of it without even mentioning any aspects of the song itself. i was simply acting like any regular person with elementary knowledge in chiptune would respond to everything you said. i have to applaud you for not getting angry, but at the same time, i was trying to make you see that we really have no concern with the hardware vs the song itself. for example, if i wanted to write a tracker for the **************** (not gonna say this because i dont want to give anybody any ideas, see?), and decided that i was going to forge a path with something, i would not make it a big deal, i would not even mention i was using a ***********. i wouldnt even let people see that i was using it when i performed live, because i would want to keep the mystique of what i was doing seperate from the sound. understand where im coming from? with chip music, its really in your favor to keep some of your tricks under wraps. but you let the whole thing outta the bag and gave nobody a reason to even need to comment. 'what are these chips youre using? how are you doing this?'. this sort of thing.
if you want to have discussion about real vs emulated, theres other threads in which to do that. you didnt really need to do that when you're making a first post about a song, where you pretty much turned me off, and im sure you turned most other people off who read it the same way as i did. then you follow it up with saying you were joking? cmon guy. your delivery is what made me have no desire to listen. and i think its a very valid critique without even getting to the music, because all of us here are so fucking tired of that whole debate that it actually makes some of us angry to even see people talking about it, like it was a thing. if i turned other people off to your song with my response, then thats surely my bad, and you have my apologies, but i like to think that for the most part whenever this invariably comes up and somebody posts in this demeanor, i would have to say users who read this type of thread make a collective groan and go about their business, not paying any attention to it.
if you think you were trolled, you inadvertedly trolled yourself in your first post. i am sure you did not mean to do it, however your delivery had my first impression that you were somebody pulling our collective leg. if i had a dime for every time ive seen 'trubit 4evr' or some other disparaging remark thats put out there for people who arent 100% purist 8bit composer to read and say 'why do i even bother when theres people in this genre with this mentality', i would be able to buy a copy of nanoloop. we've all seen it so many times that its just a slap in the face now to a lot of people. but ill give you your way here. tell us honestly and succinctly, what makes your music good, better, or best because you use real hardware. from whatever the response you wrote me initially, i gathered that it seems to me like you're basically invalidating any point to using actual hardware to begin with and not realizing it. so tell us, and without requiring us to listen to the song, and without talking about castlevania 3 or soundchips or any shit like that, in laymens terms: what makes your music worth listening to? is it the hardware? or is that the joke? because if its real hardware, and that is your claim as to why its worth hearing, then by this logic the only chiptune thats worth listening to is chiptune that was written using either a gameboy or a nes. tell me WHY. tell me WHAT about the music invokes inspiration in you, the person who wrote the song.
to give you a little bit of background about myself, i have written, recorded, and produced over 225 eps/lps/singles worth of material since 1997, a good majority of that is stuff thats 8bit in nature. if someone were to ask me this same somewhat loaded but valid question, my answer quite simply would be 'because fuck you'. i feel i have written enough material and put enough of it out there for a long enough time that i no longer need to work toward a new release, or a new sound or anything. i created what i wanted for myself, others appreciated it. so the music fully speaks for itself, without me needing to say a word. that is what i worked towards. for you or anybody else it can be different, and that is of course a good thing.
is there anything you can say about what you do to describe the mood without going into hardware, or a powerpak or how meticulously you worked on your song or expansions and actually, yknow, describe the music a little bit instead of talking about it like it's a program? nobody cares about this sort of stuff these days. its the summer, people want music, people dont want to be described to. they want a visceral experience out of chiptune music. just about everything that can be done in chiptune has been done in some way, shape or form.. i know because ive done heard and seen and did more than enough, and i still want more. people dont know or think to even consider hardware vs software or anything because we dont know who you are. and if we dont know you when you come in here, terms ablazin like we're supposed to, when we dont know you from adam, then maybe you shouldnt be surprised that you didnt make the impact that you expected. i was with you up until sid, opl2, 2a03...sounded cool. but then you had to go full nerd on it and make it not about the music and make it about the gimmick of it.
you used all these different english words to mechanically describe your art, but you did nothing to even mention stuff that is actually important to a listener, like influence for the song, mood, what its going to be used for, what you've done in the past. this sort of thing. give people a chance to listen to your music without talking over their heads or expecting them to care about spec. people dont care anymore, really. hell, the people who actually are at the forefront of innovating within chiptune dont even want to talk about it, because they want nothing inbetween the listener and the music. if you create something worthwhile, the last thing you want to do is make the listener feel like what you are making is 'too smart' for them, and thats how your posts read. so i had to take you down that path. i dont consider that trolling, because you didnt even understand what i was trying to get at. i hope that you can understand where i am coming from. the reason i am even taking the time to write this is so that maybe you can understand why i was prompt with you, or bothered with an initial response in the first place.
647 Jul 1, 2011 12:16 pm
Re: Early Electronic music albums (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
you want a better rebuttal celsius. really? ok dude. but i dont think you or anybody really wants to read all this.
you're a mod, right? i guess you dont think you're overstepping your boundaries here as a moderator of the site, but you are with your comments directed to me. this is not how a moderator should act. rule #2 innit? intimidation? you're obviously barking up the wrong tree with me because you must think you can talk to me how you talk to everybody else and im just gonna take it. and obviously you, the moderator, want more when i was ready to let it be. you shouldnt be this way towards anybody if you are a mod here, but i see you do this kind of sanctimonious jerky guy routine all the time here as well as on the irc, as well as 8bc. its real tired by this point. i actually ignored you on irc a few weeks ago because i tired of it here on both of these forums months ago, and yeah, i really dont need it on my irc too.
but yeah. rules are rules, and sometimes rules get broken. if its an accident, then its an accident. surely i did not say 'oh, this is against the rules, let me go ahead and post it anyway'. so i guess if a record is out of print for 20-30 years then you cant post it here NO MATTER WHAT, only have discussion about it. to me that just seems like someone talking about how the color orange looks when you're blind. if this is the case with oop stuff then you guys should specifically put this in the rules, because as far as the rest of the internet is concerned, sharing oop material is not called piracy or not allowed, thats called 'making sure people dont forget about this awesome shit that you cant buy anymore'. if something is out of print, i find it a little bit hard to 'pirate' it, because its already been sold and the profit has already been maximized from it to the point that its no longer being produced. people dont need or care to actively police that kind of thing because it does nothing except allows for the media to simply be forgotten. this is the exact opposite of what i stand for.
a very good example of this, i looked for cybotron (the australian cybotron, not the detroit one, very good band) vinyl for like six years in every record stores i went in before i was even able to unearth mp3s of that stuff. thats not good for the music or the hard work of those who created it. if it meant something, then it needs to be remembered, not forgotten, not censored or removed 'due to copyright violations'. if anybody were actually attempting to enforce copyrights on out of print materials, they wouldnt be fucking out of print in the first place.
to take this a little farther, and then ill bring it back around for the end for you since this is gettin long, i find it very difficult to consider having a discussion in a thread about 'early electronic music' without sharing it, not only that, anything i would want to share would surely be out of print anyways. maybe the dewolfe record i posted wasnt, but i looked high and low for information about buying that one and came up short. but apparently that doesnt matter, because its seen as pirating no matter what here. go figure. how do you pirate something you cannot buy. the rules could certainly stand to be made more clear pertaining to out of print material specifically. either spell it out and include oop material as not allowed in the rules altogether, or say 'out of print material will be dealt with in a case by case basis' at the least, because most other forums or places on the internet where discussion occurs really dont have a problem with that kind of material. either the music gets forgotten, or people remember it and appreciate it, and it isnt seen as piracy, which it really shouldnt be. its simply to cover the ass of the site to begin with, i understand that. however, this is pretty much a matter of common sense, and i dont think 'because we say so' is a good reason to say that material that is no longer being manufactured for sale should not be allowed to be linked on any website.
all of that aside, i still feel that you've got no reason to talk to me or anybody the way you generally do if you're a mod here, so you're basically asking me to engage you because you want to intimidate me into not saying anything else, and honestly i've got no desire to ever interact with you anyways. as a mod, you are supposed to be understanding and accepting when rules are broken, simply because rules get broken and especially not always with ill will or intent. it would possibly serve you well to start doing the opposite of your usual reactions of going out of your way to act like you have a reason or motivation to treat someone like crap. but because you do this all the time here, as well as 8bc, im certainly not holding my breath. i hope for your sake that in the future you can be a little less brash and maybe give people the benefit of the doubt instead of being a bully about it. maybe me making a point of this to break it all down for you will make you think twice next time you want to get snarky with people over something that doesnt really matter all that much, even when it comes to the rules. theres a huge hell of a difference between sharing a full discography of an artist, and sharing an album that hasnt been reproduced in 20 years.
if you or anybody at all thinks there is even a question of piracy in music that is no longer distributed or sold, then you probably dont have a similar ethos as i do of what 'piracy' actually is. to be certain, it sure as shit aint sharing three records from the late 70's that you probably wont even be able to find mp3s of, much less vinyl or cd of. and sharing that with what would most likely end up being 25 to 30 people tops, who might actually appreciate the little bit of time that it takes to pass on something that enriches your life and makes it better if you're having a shitty day, or you feel like your world is fallin apart or whatever. THAT is what music is about. and that doesnt cost a dime. if that is pirate, then cut my fuckin leg off, apply a wooden stump, poke out one of my eyes, cut my hand off and replace it with a hook and change my name to 'bilge rat'.
648 Jul 1, 2011 6:21 am
Re: Finally finished another song off our album (17 replies, posted in Releases)
its hard for people who are doing it for no other reason then to be all k00lguy 'yeah real hardware!' i guess.
its part of making other people feel like they're so unique because they thought they were the first person ever to fart on a circuit bent speak and spell. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
649 Jul 1, 2011 5:42 am
Re: Finally finished another song off our album (17 replies, posted in Releases)
you're typing way too much, i cant read all that dude. are you saying that you use emulators or what? you're confusing the shit outta me. i only use trippy h
650 Jul 1, 2011 5:41 am
Re: INAPPROPRIATE USE OF QUOTATION MARKS? (63 replies, posted in General Discussion)
godinpants wrote:I would've preferred chip "music"
would have been too appropriate for this "thread".
here, i straightened out your punctuation in this one in order to make it a little funnier. page 3 usually requires some rough techniques
651 Jul 1, 2011 5:39 am
Re: Early Electronic music albums (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
If you're suggesting that people can't use google to find their way to legal or illegal copies of albums then I submit to the peanut gallery that YOU sir are rediculous.
you cant even SPELL ridiculous
652 Jun 30, 2011 11:33 pm
Re: Finally finished another song off our album (17 replies, posted in Releases)
so would you say that the song has strong fakebit vibe to it?
653 Jun 30, 2011 11:29 pm
Re: Early Electronic music albums (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
654 Jun 30, 2011 8:53 am
Re: Finally finished another song off our album (17 replies, posted in Releases)
i would have listened but you lost me with the 'emulation is for pansies' schtick, sorry
655 Jun 30, 2011 8:46 am
Re: Early Electronic music albums (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
656 Jun 29, 2011 8:03 am
Re: Wanted rc pro am 2 (5 replies, posted in Trading Post)
yeah, its not in the top 10 rares, but its up there.