nitro2k01 wrote:
XyNo wrote:

Funny thing is...if you are legit Reason surely have paid it waaaay more than a 10$ DMG + LSDJ !

Hehe. I think there's a lot of Reason users who right now refuse to update beyond Reason 5.0, for "unspecified reasons".

Ya gotta love those unspecified reasons...

Lsdj, nanoloop etc. Like I said before, I could never use it.

I. Am. Confused. Nuff said.

I'm not sure, but I've been making music in general for awhile, I haven't just bailed after the first time someones knocked my music. I'm a total n00b to chiptune, but I'm not gonna give up. It's mad fun.

Yeah, I am. Not gonna lie.

Haha I'm a dumb ass ok?

ok, thank you. I just wanted some info cause I googled it too and that's all I found. I thought I might regret sending them my music or something. I don't think sometimes lol

haha yeah, I did contradict myself there. And i don't know, I've always been interested in chip music, just started making it and had a lot of fun with it. But it seems like everyone uses lsdj, and if you don't its like shame, shame. That might just be me though.

Sorry I didn't elaborate, I'm a little new to forums. The site didn't have too much info, and I wanted to know more about it? Could you guys help me out?

Well you know what I mean, digital delay and the like. Reverb and stuff. I don't know, I'm some what of a purist, I guess. Lol


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What did I do?

Really the only difference i think is that people with a DAW go over the top with the effects. The only effects I use are EQ's and a scream 4 distortion unit to make the drums sound nice and chippy. But I don't believe in using delay or anything. It's not chiptune then. Thats just a prefrence though


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

it's that one label that refers to here... I sent them some tracks for the hell of it. They seem like a good site, label, whatever they are

haha ok. I just don't have the patience for lsdj when I could be making epic music in reason. I loooooooove reason I spend hrs on it. I also spent hrs on lsdj... and failed miserably. Props to people who can use it tho.

Just wanted to know if it's bad that I do that and don't use lsdj. I have it, I'm just not good with it, haha